The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Is it 5:25 yet?

Is it time yet? My flight takes off at 5:25 pm , it is 8:28 an, It is going to be a long day. I have packed, said goodbye to the cat, turned off the alarm clock and turned on the timer for my lamp (I don't want people to think I'm not there and I don't want to leave my kitty in the dark... you know he only has one eye, he needs the light), grabbed my passport, forgot my digital camera (I'm so pissed about that) and called my parents to tell them where I would be. The Sensation is going to stop by a couple of times to make sure everything is fine at the apartment and the cat has not ripped apart the new couch in anger. My hair is in a headwrap, yes y'all a headwrap, I was not going to do hair this morning and have my afro flat on one side when I got to Toronto. So now I just have to make it to 2:30 so I can leave. It is going to be a long day. Tonight, I will be frolicking in Canada. Wooo Hooo!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Toronto Awaits

Okay, so tomorrow I leave for vacation and I am more than ready. I'm headed up to Toronto to see my best friend and her husband. We are going to Caribana and The Stratford Festival and other fun things. I am a bit miffed because it is raining and the Sensation might not be able to come see me before I leave. Not a fan. First it is hot as hell and now it is storming. This weather is going to make me move. It is jacking up my plans.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I'm feeling rather bored at work today, so I've posted again. Just got back from lunch with the Sensation. I'm a big fan of these Tuesday afternoon rendezvous. Today it was Border Cafe where I resisted the urge to have a margarita and had diet coke instead. I could not, however, resist the cake. I'm now feeling very full and sleepy. Next week I'll miss our weekly lunch because I'll be frolicking with Mounties and Moose but the week after next, I'll be back in full effect. Of course there will be pictures of all of the festivities. It was not as hot as I thought it would be. We walked in the shade and there was a nice breeze. I thought I would melt, but instead I came back just a bit damp. I appreciate that. I must now go and see about my sister. She is holding down the fort while my parents are in the motherland and the airconditioning broke. I need to see when they are coming to fix it and have advised her to have someone come and stay with her or get my mom's meat cleaver in case of emergency. But then again, I'm the same persn who threatened to beat a homeless man with a shoe if he got rowdy. I know I know, I need to center my chi.

Ray of Sunshine

Why on earth is it so hot outside? It is hot, humid and unbearable. This means that the tourists are out early trying to beat the heat and they clog up the metro. It is supposed to be close to 100 degrees today. I'm not a fan.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Proudest Monkey

So I'm at work today listening intently to my iPod and Dave Matthews is thrown into the mix and the song Proudest Monkey comes on. Do you know I listened to that song for an hour on repeat? I was very tickled by it. KH said she was proud of me because I haven't kirked out on the folks at work and I have handled myself with grace and professionalism. I guess that makes me proud of me. Today, I am the Proudest Monkey!! Now I need to figure out if I can get my car inspected soon (will they impound my car or something equally as horrific if I don't go until August?) Anyway, I must go deal with the pile of laundry sitting on the fabulous new couch and I need to start packing.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Manic Monday

Happiness is not going to work during the weekend. I had a very nice weekend, a bit hot, but very nice. Cleaned my apartment, finally did the pile of dirty laundry that was in my closet, watched the Good Times marathon, went to church and spent some good quality time with the Sensation which was much needed. I am now trying to steel myself to go back to work tomorrow. It is just going to have to be okay. I just have to make it through 4 more days and then I'm free to frolic in Canada for a week. Say a prayer, light a candle, meditate or do what do to help me keep my sanity.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Well, I went, I saw, I got sandbagged. I thought that HR was supposed to be impartial but that is a lie from the pit of hell. I think I am going to have to cut my losses and much like Amber, find my way out of the rabbit hole.
I'm walking in authority
living life without apology
It's not wrong, dear, I belong here
So you might as well get used to me. - " I'm Walking"-Donnie McClurkin

Yes, that is what is blasting in my iPod as we speak. I have it on repeat. I know I know, you are thinking- the heathen is listening to gospel? YES. I need to rely on a higher power to make it through work today. I have a meeting with my boss and HR this afternoon and right now I feel like vomiting into my trash can. I am however looking quite cute in my new suit (Penny's was having a sale) and pearls (thanks Mom!) so at least I look the part. More updates tonight!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


An special:

Aussie guy:, see, goats in Australia are feral because they are an alien species. They just dropped them on every island in case people got shipwrecked. Then there'd be food. Problem was no one ever got shipwrecked.--6 train

Okay, I'm not sure if you all know this but I have a strange fascination with goats. I'm not sure if it is because I'm from Ghana-land-of-the-roaming-goat,or what, but I like them. Amber and I even had a goat in the Bat Cave (our office at the AARP). No, not a real goat! A picture. Anyway, when I saw this line on feral goats I got interested. This line is actually TRUE! I did a google search (tells you how much I wanted to be at work today) and this is what I found! Feral Goat Info Found Here. The fact that they are telling you how to shoot the feral goats made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to pass out. Note that the enslaved goats rise up from the bonds of "The Man" and become feral revolutionary goats. Sorry, work has me in a revolutionary mindset. Anyway, work today was tolerable. I talked very little and listen to a lot of iPod. Kind of hard to stay so quiet as you all know I'm a talker but I'll manage.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


So I'm thinking this is what Aruba looks like. That is where my friends Lauren and Jeremy went for their honeymoon. First of all, Lauren and Jeremy's wedding was just like they are. Very nice, very sweet and gave off a good aura. I danced in a circle, saw people lift the new husband and wife up in chairs and was charmed by a very nice man named Lonnie who danced with Amber and I at the same time and showed us a very good time. My first Jewish wedding was a success. To the happy couple I say Mazeltov! I went to work on Monday very hungover but with tons of good ideas for my wedding- definitely some attendants and an ice scupture. Of course, all hell broke lose when I got to work. All of the warm and fuzzy feelings from the weekend went away quick, fast and in a hurry. The man is trying to break me, but I will not be broken. They have no clue that I am the child of my mom and dad. My mom is part Tina Turner, part Xena Warrior Princess and part African Queen. My dad is a son of a farmer (not to be confused with the Son of A Preacherman. He works hard, angers slowly and has no patience for injustice or bullshit. I'm not sure what parts I have inherited from whom, but I am mad as hell and I'm definitely going to have to pull a Bob Marley and stand up for my rights! On an up note, I got my new Harry Potter in the mail on Saturday! LOVE IT! It is me and all of the 12 year olds reading it on the metro. I think that I will take solice in the fact that I have Harry Potter, a fabulous couch, a wonderful boyfriend and friends who love me and support me enough to listen to me bitch and moan about my work drama.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Some Sunshine for Your Day

Okay, so my sister put me on to this website called Overheard in New York. It is hysterical. I saw this entry and thought all of you who live in big cities would understand. In our case in D.C. this pertains to metro escalators and platforms.

Suit: Attention tourists. It is now just after 5PM, and unlike you, some of us had to work today and would like to fucking get home. Please keep moving and do not just fucking stop in the middle of the sidewalk. This has been a public service announcement.
--43rd & 7th

Have a good day folks!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I love this picture. It makes me giggle. The cow seems to be breaking free from the chains of something...I might have to make him my new mascot. Nothing much is going on today. I woke up with issues, which caused me to stay home from work but by 10am they were gone, but I am still "sick." I have tons to do and I should probably hop to it with the cleaning and the shopping and doing all that I have to do, but somehow I have been sucked into bad daytime television. Things in life are going well. Yesterday, I had a glorious day because in the middle of my work day I had lunch with my Sensation. Nothing brightens your workday like looking forward to a lunch date in the morning and having a good time. I'm still in awe that this is what a functional relationship is supposed to be like. If I would have known I would have done this a lot sooner.

Monday, July 11, 2005

It's Your World

There is a little boy on Common's song "It's Your World" that says that he wants to be a duck. I agree. Today I want to be a duck.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


1. Why is Chivalry dead? I'm tired of seeing pregnant women standing next to me on the metro
2. Why don't cabs in DC take credit cards? The ones in VA do.
3. Why do I have high blood pressure? I hate my job,which is also apparently bringing down my marketability as an attorney, I'm scared that I'm going to get blown up on the metro and I think that I should have spent money on bartending school instead of on a law degree (I make one good pitcher of sangria and it goes to my head)
4. Why am I scared to ride the metro? Because the terrorists apparently are everywhere. Please keep the folks in London in your prayers
5. Why are my hands peeling? Stress?
6. Why does every African man over the age of 45 think I'm cute? bad metro experience.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Happy Fourth of July

My Independance Day was wonderful. I went to work for a whopping 10.5 hours of double time and then I went to see the Sensation and meet his sister, who is gorgeous, tall and extremely sweet. We went to see fireworks and then I went home and got in my bed. A good time was had by all.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The New Hotness

So this has been a great weekend. I decided for sure that I'm going to take the FL Bar, yes I'm crazy but I might as well do it now when my brain is in Bar mode. Too bad FL doesn't have reciprocity. BOO. I also got my new couch delivered. It is indeed the new hotness! I have plans to watch DVD 1 of Sex and the City tonight on my new couch. Good times!!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Finally the end of the week

It is Friday, I'm a big fan of Fridays. The couch is coming this weekend, it is the fourth of July and double time is where it is at for work. So this morning this very nice Hispanic man told me I was gorgeous. Quite flattering. I love DC today.