The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! Yes, the post is a bit early, but I plan to be hugged up with The Sensation all day tomorrow (this is the first time in a long time that we will have a whole day together without family, school or work so believe that I will be nowhere near a computer) so I'm giving my good tidings now. 2006 was a pretty decent year. I found a job that I liked and moved in with the man I love. Let's hope that 2007 holds more good things. I've set a couple of goals for myself in the new year. I don't do resolutions anymore because that is just asking for them to be broken. My goals are to get to the gym more (we all know why) and to be on time as often as possible (Ghana Standard Time isn't working more me.) I hope the new year holds a lot of happiness and prosperity for everyone and please be safe out there!

My weekend

I was quite riled after my last post so I decided that I was going to try and have a good weekend. Yesterday, I got up, picked up SM and went to the gym and to brunch and Lebanese Taverna. It was a much needed and wonderful morning. I worked out, ate good (and healthy) food and hung out with a good friend. I then went home and showered, kissed The Sensation and headed back out. I stopped to get my brows done (gotta have nice brows for the new year)I had a fabulous time with Glib Girl and NW. We had really good Thai food and then went to see Dream Girls. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! Afterwards, we had dessert and conversation at this cute little cafe and called it a night. This morning The Sensation and I got up and cleaned the whole apartment. When I say cleaned I mean we cleaned our apartment from top to bottom. I am a firm believer in getting one's house in order before the new year so you can set the tone for the year. My house is now clean and smells good. We went grocery shopping yesterday and The Sensation cut my hair for me this morning. After the cleaning extravaganzaa I picked up SM and we had another fun day. We made some returns, went shopping (she went shopping, not me, I'm trying to be better about spending in the new year) and got a pedicure. A good time was had by all. I'm not doing anything spectacular for New Year's Eve. In years past I've broken my neck figuring out my plans. The Sensation has to work this year so I won't get my New Year's kiss until he gets home, but that's okay. My house is clean, my hair is cut, my toes are pretty and after I put in the last load of laundry I'll have clean clothes. I'm going to sit down and watch my Desperate Housewives DVDs, drink some mulled wine and call it a night. Sometimes it is just good to be still.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Weighing Heavy on my Mind

Happy Holidays to all. I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas, Hannukah, Christmikah, Hannumas or whatever you celebrate around this time of year. I spent some very relaxing days at home with my family where I discovered that I don't really like my sister about 50% of the time. I love her because she is family and when she is in a good mood she is great, but when she isn't (which is about 50-75% of the time) I can't stand her. She has this angst that only a child who grew up in the suburbs and was given almost everything she wanted could have. It makes me crazy. She is ungrateful and sullen and treats my parents horribly. My parents either are too tired to care or they figure that she doesn't live there anymore so they don't have to deal with her so they ignore the tantrums and the pissy attitude. Also, for one who is so adamant that people should accept her beliefs and views without question she is the one of the most judgmental people who I know. If something is not "interesting" to her or happens to be mainstream (like marriage) she immediately dismisses it with a roll of the eye and some kind of snarky comment. I'm almost happy that we don't live in the same place because I'm not a fan. The only thing I kept thinking while I was home was that I need to outlive her because if I don't, my parents will be left at her mercy and she will probably put them in a nursing home.

Why am I worried about outliving my sister? Because I am fat. Not heavy, not rotund, not chubby. Fat. I am fat and it isn't cute anymore. I recently saw a picture of me and The Sensation at my friend's wedding and I had to do a double take. It was HORRIBLE. Now, it is no shock to me that I am heavy, but that picture made me want to wire my jaw shut for a couple of months. I look like I'm The Sensation's mother or spinster aunt. I am terrified that I am going to have to get married in a dress with long ugly sleeves (all the dresses that I have seen for "plus sizes" have these ridiculous sleeves that I really don't like). I want to wear the clothes I used to wear and not have to shop in a special store. I want to dance the way I used to dance and not be winded after a couple of songs. I want to wear cute heels and not have my feet feel like they are on fire because of all of the pressure that the rest of me is putting on them. I want to be able to get dressed and not have figure out what clothes are best for hiding the tummy roll. I know I am a fabulous person but the time has come for me to start giving myself permission to get healthy. The Sensation was talking about putting the infamous picture on his desk and at first I freaked out about it, but now I'm thinking that he should go ahead and put the picture up. Thus far, I have been all talk and no action. Yeah, I go to the gym sporadically and sometimes hit a Weight Watchers Meeting, but really, that hasn't helped has it? I've seen people around me lose weight and I'm happy for them, but it things don't seem to be clicking for me as to how to do the same thing. Linz is doing wonderfully and my friend JS has recently lost a ton of weight. If that picture has the power to shame me into going to the gym everyday, then maybe it should be on display somewhere. This is going to be the last time that I mention my weight on this blog until either I reach my goal weight or I drop dead of a stroke due to morbid obesity. If I have a good week or two I might mention it, but I can't constantly complain about things if I'm not doing anything to change them. The new year is coming and something has to change because the number on the scale isn't changing until I get up and go to somebody's gym, dance class or Weight Watchers center. The time has come for me to stop talking about it and be about it.

Friday, December 15, 2006


Okay, Glib Gurl has been hyped about Dreamgirls for a while. I've been a bit lukewarm about it, but willing to see it. I heard rave reviews about it this morning on NPR and decided to listen to Jennifer Holliday's And I am Telling You I'm not Going about 5 seconds ago in my office. When I tell you that I almost shut the door so I could testify, I am serious. I know that I have had moments like that in life. When you just have to tell folks, "look, you are GOING to love me." I've heard Jennifer Hudson works it OUT so I think I just got a bit more hyped about the movie.

Arlington Blues

How is it that I have lived in the Northern Virginia area for over 5 years and haven't gotten a ticket UNTIL the past month in which I've gotten not one, but TWO tickets!!?? I'm aggravated with myself because I always seem to be running late so I know I was speeding. I just need to be better about being on time. I'm also annoyed because the police officers were both so nice when I've been pulled over that I can't even get mad at them for being jerks. I need to get off of African Standard Time and get it together.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Lately, I've been listening to that song "Irreplaceable" by Beyonce. I have no idea why I like it so much. Basically, she is singing about how her man didn't treat her right and she is too good for him so she kicks him out. I LOVE IT! The Sensation and I are doing fine and I'm not harboring thoughts of replacing him, but I think that all women have felt this way at some point or another. I think my favorite line is "So since I’m not your everything How about I'll be nothing, nothing at all to you." Too many women don't know that they are worth so much more than some trifling man will give them credit for, especially in DC where the ratio of women to men is something ridiculous like 8:1. I mean really, just because there are more women does NOT give the men the right to act up! So, to all the ladies out there please know that you are truly irreplaceable and don't put up with foolishness. As the old folks say, "you can do bad all by yourself."

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


1. Yesterday, one of my clients called me "that colored girl." She thought she was talking to my boss. Probably because I "speak so well." Mind you, my boss is Indian so I'm not sure what the crazy old lady was thinking but whatever. I knew that I was working in the South but damn!!

2. Today I didn't eat lunch until 4:45 and I had a client have a bit of a breakdown in my office.

3. I'm exhausted, but like my turtle picture today, I'm still giving 100% because I really do love my job.

That being said, I am going to bed so I can get up to face another day tomorrow.

Monday, December 04, 2006


This weekend was very productive. I got a whole lot done and was able to cross a lot off of my to-do list. Nothing says satisfaction like a list of crossed-off tasks. I have called everyone who I was supposed to, washed and folded laundry, vacuumed the apartment, wrote and gave a speech, emailed a slew of people, paid the rent, baked some pumpkin bread, sewed on some missing buttons, cleaned the bathroom, bought a Christmas tree and decoration with The Sensation and watched some movies. All is right with the world and I can start my week off right.