Hello Again

Well hello there! Okay, yes I've been gone for a lot time but I'm back! A lot has happened in these past few months. I'll start with the big news. I got engaged! Yes, the Haitian Sensation popped the question on the Spirit of Washington on February 15th (I'm very happy that he wasn't all cliche and waited for the day after Valentine's Day). We have no clue what kind of wedding we want, but I'm hoping we can hash all of that out in the next month so we can get this planning party started. Along with stressing about the wedding, I'm also stressing a little bit about the fact that in a year I am going to have to be in somebody's wedding dress. Which means unless I want to be wearing a dress with sleeves (you know those sleeves that I'm talking about- the ugly itchy lace ones that they always put the big girls in), I'm going to have to hit he gym and hit it hard and often, but I will freak out about that in another post. Other than the engagement and my extreme excitement about the fact that Spring is coming, nothing big has really happened. Oh wait, I lied. I got a new car. The B3 is being picked up by Melwood on Monday and I am zipping around in a very cute and gas efficient Toyota Corolla. I bought it from my sister, who was very good to it, and I am over the moon. No more spending 60+ dollars to fill up my gas tank. Okay, that is all from here. I am off to figure out a plan to get The Sensation roped into wedding planning. More on that later.
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