All Tuckered Out

There is semi-permanent outline of my body in my couch today. I am all tuckered out. This past week was exhausting and my body is still recuperating. Last weekend I went to NYC to celebrate SW's birthday. SW had a good time, I had a good time and we celebrated hard. I then got on the train (I took the train up and back and it was great!!) and came back home to work on my big case. I argued my first big nursing home discharge case this past week. I have been working on this case for the past couple of months and I've put blood, sweat and tears into it. I came back early on Sunday to put the finishing touches on it. The case went down on Wednesday and I argued like I had never argued before. I think I did a good job, but I couldn't stop to dwell on it because after my 5 hour hearing, I had to drive 4 hours to get to a conference. I conferenced until Friday and then drove back home in the pouring rain. I tried to make it back for SM's birthday dinner but I got back too late. I really didn't expect to set up camp on my couch this weekend. I had all kinds of plans and aspirations, but my body had other plans. I have gone from my bed to my couch and back again. I think I've gotten more sleep this weekend than I've gotten during the past two weeks. Let's hope the rest and relaxation help get me through the week.
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