The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

It is Wednesday?

Okay, I have no clue what is going on, but I can't believe it is Wednesday already. Maybe I'm just overcome with the spinning haze (new teacher tonight- kicked my ass) or maybe I have finally reached that stage in adulthood where the days just run together. I hope not, that would be unfortunate. All I know is that payday is tomorrow and I got bills to pay. I'm going to go take a hot shower, take some Alleve and head to bed. Ciao!

Monday, June 27, 2005

My Weekend in Tampa

Where to begin. First of all, I took the Sensation home to meet the parents this weekend. He is a great person to travel with. Very entertaining and carries the heavy bags. We got in on Friday and he met my mom first. I was most worried about her. She cuts right to the chase, no BS. He was extremely nervous, but held up well through the preliminaries. We hung out for a while and then my dad came home. The Sensation got even more nervous but made it through that. I left him to go shower because we were going out with friends for sushi. When I got back down he was fine, engaged in convo, everything was good. We went to sushi with two of my very good friends and that was good. He was fabulous and tried everything. My friends went to get tattooed and we went home. We had a very full house. My sister came home from Italy late Friday night, my cousin was on vacation from Ghana and then he and I so I gave my cousin my room and I slept on the couch. The Sensation got the guest room, my sister was in her room ( I would have slept with her but her room is a disaster area and she kicks) and I was on the couch.

Saturday: I got up with a stiff neck I love my parents couch for a nap, but not for any kind of sleeping for real. We kind of lounged around talking to my parents. My mom and I had a massage appt so the Sensation was left with my dad. The massage was great and when we got back my dad had conned the Sensation into doing yard work with him!! Can you believe it? The man is a guest and somehow he is doing manual labor. What is he going to say, "No??" They mowed the lawn and trimmed the hedges and stuff. Apparently, they bonded because after that they went to lunch at Macaroni Grill and talked and stuff. Saturday night we had this big barbecue which was great. I learned the recipe for some fabulous sangria (I need to put it to use, so someone have a party) and the Sensation met EVERYONE. Everyone loved him. My mom and her best friend couldn't stop raving about how cute and personable he was (apparently everyone I bring home has the looks and personality of a wildebeest). I called my dad this morning and he said that he liked him and that he had passed the first test.

Sunday: We got up and my mom made us waffles and then we left. We had a long layover in ATL and our plane was delayed so we got home very cranky but we stayed up late last night and watched movies and talked about the weekend and I think everything is good.

So I guess you could say that I am now in a stable relationship. Until now I thought I had been in one of those, but there was always so much drama. I am so excited that I have broken free of the bonds of ridiculous Rodney- who though he could play me and get away with (too bad we think he is STILL in undergrad- talk about a super duper senior), my Polish Konrad- who I have nothing bad to say about and poor insecure Bryan who thought he was man enough, but so wasn't (most of y'all know that I'm just getting over the feeling that his tires need to be slashed- that fact that I got him to stop wearing jean shorts and he had the nerve to do me wrong just burns me to this day) and I have now found the Sensation. And to top it all off...the Sensation is the first one who may parents actually like. All is right in my world.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The People Upstairs Must Go

I have decided that the people who live upstairs from me must go. Either they move out or they shut up. Now, I try not to be stereotypical so I will leave their ethnicity out of it, but they have kids. It seems like they have more than the 2 or 3 that I've seen but I'm not sure. All I know is that at 2 am last night I was awakened to screaming and scuffling. This went on until about 3am. This is not the first time this had happened. Needless to say I got very little sleep, missed my spinning class and had murderous thoughts about the folks who live upstairs for most of the morning hours. I have since calmed down. I wrote them a letter and I have decided that if behavior like this continues, I'm going to call the police and report them to the leasing office AGAIN. Yes, again, I have reported them once before. I'm not sure if I want the police to call immigration, but I want them to shut the hell up. I'm tired, I'm cranky and I just want to sleep. I pay rent, I should be able to sleep in my own apartment.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


It is 2:33pm, Saturday afternoon. The weather is gorgeous, I've run all of my errands and I have new Netlfix movies. Am I really going to work today??

Friday, June 17, 2005


Wow, what a week. I'm so happy that it is Friday. This week was the first week of weight watchers. I think it went okay. I managed to stay away from the candy bucket at work and have gotten to the gym 4 times and counting (gotta get my workout on tomorrow and Sunday). Getting weighed tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. Fiji, my one-eyed wonderkitty had 5 teeth pulled this week, so now he has one eye and less teeth but he is still spry. I got my couch -yay- and I found someone to haul away the old one so I don't have to worry about that. Found out today that my rent is going up, meaning more time spent at work and the realization that I need to stop messing around and start saving money to buy a place. A studio apartment shouldn't cost this much. Finally getting to see my Sensation tomorrow. I feel like it has been ages even though it has been a couple of days. I'm just happy that the week is over, it has been rough and I feel like I've been beat down but I'm still standing. Ahhh, the weekend starts. I have plans to go to walmart, clean the apartment, watch some movies and go to work. Wow, the life of a grownup is BORING!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I am beyond psyched today. I finally got a new couch, I got my certificate of good standing so I can waive into the DC bar, finally sent my sister some money for her frolicking in Italy, my netflix movies came and all is right with the world. In the words of Ice Cube- today was a good day... (I didn't have to use my A.K.)

Monday, June 13, 2005

There are some days you just want to put on a dashiki, pick out your afro, get a '64 Impala and start the revolution. Today was one of those days. Remember, it will not be televised.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Why does the weekend seem so short?

Okay it is HOT. I think that God has DC set on Hell. I can see why more people flip out in the summertime. Why on earth do the weekend seem so short? This weekend has been good though, I managed to spend minimal time at work and got in some good QT with my man, my friends and myself. I went to this very cool spot called HR-57. Good for us "grown" folks who are tired of the club scene. Great jazz, nice conversation. A good time was had by all. This weekend I finally got the yogurt and soy chips I've been craving(not to be eaten together). Too bad I have to go back to the grind tomorrow. Back to spagetti, dateline and air conditioning.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Stuck In A Moment

U2 had it right. Sometimes you feel stuck in a moment that you can't get out of. First, the good news. Went to the doctor today and the blood pressure is back down where it is supposed to be- no blood pressure meds for me. Good, I'm too young for that. The doc did tell me that I needed to push back from the table though- I knew that already. Tired of the weight loss fits and starts so I need to get on the good foot. I'm being medically monitored now (basically the doc is going to make me come see him every 8 weeks to make sure I'm on the good foot) Looking for a new gig. Don't get me wrong, the job I have is much appreciated and keeps me in food and shelter, but I kind of feel like I should be doing something that I can use my oh so expensive education for. Unfortunately, places aren't paying what doc review pays so I'll be reviewing until further notice.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Summertime and the livin' is...easy?

There is nothing like a hot DC day to make a girl feel like she's all that and a bag of chips (cool ranch doritos- cool yet spicy). Yes, I'm at work but some things cannot wait. So I'm walking to the post office and it is HOT- like the 4th ring of hell- but somehow not one, but two men in the trucks decided that they needed to roll down the windows and try to get my attention. I mean, when I'm in my car I like to keep the cold air INSIDE on a hot day. Don't get me wrong, I was flattered. Maybe I was working my pink shirt, black pants, sensible shoes and diva sunglasses. Maybe that sweat glistening on my forehead made me look like I was glowing. I don't know, but I just have one question for the fellas. Why do you think that will make us stop? It is hot, I'm trying to get to the post office, but your holler out the window is supposed to make me stop, come to my senses and jump in your truck? PUH-LEASE. I'm trying to get to some air conditioning! Now the man in the moving truck was kind of cute, too bad for him I have the Sensation who treats me like the princess that I am (yes, I said princess- I'm sure if I investigate I can find some royalty in the family tree). Okay, back to work. Rent doesn't pay itself, but I just had to rant for a bit.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The first one

Since everyone in the free world has a blog, I decided I wanted one too. I'm not sure if I have anything profound to say, but in my spinning induced sweaty funk, I decided that this was a good idea. If nothing else, I'm sure I will amuse my friends and this will become fodder for stories and as Amber says, "whatever happens, you must have a good story."