Hello beautiful people!
I have returned. It has been about two years since I have blogged and wow, what a two years it has been! I got engaged, got a part time job, planned a wedding, got married to the Haitian Sensation on April 25, 2009, quit the part time job and have recently gotten a new (and improved) full-time job. Now that my life has calmed down a bit, I have really started to think about what I want the rest of my life to look like. Lately, I've been thinking about self-worth.
I really love Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club. I've probably read the book 4 or 5 times and I've seen the movie a few times as well. I always reread/rewatch the part where An-Mei is talking about how a person needs to know her worth. In the past few weeks, I have been talking to various friends about this concept. It seems as though so many of us don't know our worth. Because we aren't a certain size or a certain man doesn't find us attractive or our boss is overly critical or our skin is a shade too light or dark, we immediately devalue ourselves. We have to stop this! We are smart, funny, witty, educated people. We deserve to be happy and healthy and reap all of the wonderful benefits that are in store for us. This starts with knowing your self-worth and what you will and will not stand for. Love yourself, because if you don't, no one else will.
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