
An Overheardinnewyork.com special:
Aussie guy: ...no, see, goats in Australia are feral because they are an alien species. They just dropped them on every island in case people got shipwrecked. Then there'd be food. Problem was no one ever got shipwrecked.--6 train
Okay, I'm not sure if you all know this but I have a strange fascination with goats. I'm not sure if it is because I'm from Ghana-land-of-the-roaming-goat,or what, but I like them. Amber and I even had a goat in the Bat Cave (our office at the AARP). No, not a real goat! A picture. Anyway, when I saw this line on feral goats I got interested. This line is actually TRUE! I did a google search (tells you how much I wanted to be at work today) and this is what I found! Feral Goat Info Found Here. The fact that they are telling you how to shoot the feral goats made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to pass out. Note that the enslaved goats rise up from the bonds of "The Man" and become feral revolutionary goats. Sorry, work has me in a revolutionary mindset. Anyway, work today was tolerable. I talked very little and listen to a lot of iPod. Kind of hard to stay so quiet as you all know I'm a talker but I'll manage.
At 7:02 PM,
Linz said…
So, being an attorney and all...do we have crazy regulations like that? Icracked up reading about the goats. "Endevour to get between the goat and its predetermined escape route" or "try and shoot between the shoulders in the chets - shoot dominant goats first." Is there no a goat hunting season? OK, so, thanks for making me smile today! I always read your blog and am always happy to see it updated.
Lindsay - Amber's sane friend from WV...I think at least!
At 7:04 PM,
Linz said…
One more thing - ignore my horrible typing. It has been a long long day and I normally don't forget my t's and spaces!
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