Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Happy Anniversary a day early

Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Thanksgiving Vindication
veritas746: hello how have you been?
ngb411: what do you want?
veritas746: just seeing how you have been
ngb411: I have been fine, I have no desire to speak to you
veritas746: ok just wanted to say hello ithink about you alot and sometimes i wonder how things are for you did you pass the bar are you stillin dc stuff like that
ngb411: why do you care?
veritas746: i still care for you we just didn't work out dating pretty much because i am dumb but thats another story
veritas746: you are by far the best woman i have ever dated
ngb411: well, I can't help your stupidity, I could have told you that I was the best way back when. I passed the VA and was sworn in June 6th, I will be sworn in to the DC bar on December 12th and I'm sitting for the FL bar on Feb. 22nd and 23rd. I plan to move there with my current boyfriend in September
veritas746: cool i have moved too i took a job as an assistant chief in SC
veritas746: i just wondered what ever happen with all of that i am glad your happy and doing well
veritas746: good luck in the future
ngb411: same to you, please don't contact me in the future. I really don't have a desire to talk to you. You had your chance and you fucked it up and I've moved on
veritas746: i understand
veritas746: i won't
ngb411: thanks.
veritas746: welcome
veritas746 signed off at 10:15:36 AM.
Okay, I feel somewhat vindicated that this man realized that he had a diamond and he gave it up, but I am kind of pissed off that he had the nerve to keep trying to contact me. Oh well, I guess that is what whip appeal does :)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The day is drawing nigh!! We have our turkey. The Sensation and I picked him on out Sunday and he is now living in my freezer. I am calling him Herb. The Sensation wanted to actually go to a farm and pick out a live turkey and have it sliced up right there, but that was too much for me. Herb is from Giant and I like him just fine. I also realized that I need a bigger fridge if I'm going to start cooking on the regular. Herb barely has any room in the freezer. I've cooked a turkey before, but this is the first time I'm doing in "a romantic way," as my friend CE put it the other day. I'm very excited to cook for The Sensation and his sister. Let's hope Herb cooperates and thaws like he is supposed to. Oh well, back do the docs. If I don't post again, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Ram, because I'm an Aries

So today I'm feeling particularly Aries-like. What is feeling Aries-like? I'm not sure. I just feel good. I'm not sure if my moons are aligned or if I just got enough sleep, but I got to work at 7:30! (The fact that it is Saturday makes me very proud of that fact) I have the Essential Michael Jackson on the iPod, which makes coding the docs early this morning lots easier. I am just feeling very strong and positive. Yay! The Sensation and I are going to dinner with friends tonight and tomorrow turkey shopping and Harry Potter. Very happy this morn. If you should see this ram-girl boogying down 12th street, pay no attention, I'm listening to P.Y.T.
Friday, November 18, 2005

Wooo hooo!! It is Friday. I'll be at work tomorrow but I'll be in some kind of sweatpants or jeans and some pumas. The week has gone well. Today I realized that I am into overtime which makes getting to 60 hours that much easier. I finally ran the errands that I needed to, got in touch with my aesthetician who is going to turn me from a yeti into me again,and met up with my CD hookup who got me The Essential Michael Jackson. If you don't know about this CD, you are not grown and sexy... okay, so I just got grown and sexy about 15 minutes ago, but this CD is the BOMB!! Check it out if you can. Enjoy the weekend!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Goat for no reason

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
1. Go into your archives.2. Find your 25th post. 3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.
My 25th post was back in July. I was sad because it was so hot and the tourists were jacking up the metro flow. My sentence was "I am not a fan." I'm going to tag Sharona because it has been a HOT minute since she has posted! I just had some yummy pasta e fagioli made for me by SM. She ROCKS!! Trying to follow in her footsteps, I am going to try my hand at making chinese food tonight with the Sensation. Wish me luck!!
Monday, November 14, 2005
After the Storm
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Palm Treez and Alligators...for real
When does it end?
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
What is really going on?
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Palm Treez and Alligators
This rant has been brought to you by the letter N.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Just a cold, not the bird flu