The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Friday, September 30, 2005


So it is Friday and it is payday and I should be dancing on the tables. Instead, I am still at my desk at work. Payday no longer holds the happiness that it once did for me. I can rememer the days when payday meant I could gas up the car, meet my girls at the club and buy all of the shoes a woman could want. Now payday means rent, loan payment, mastercard and discover payment and grocery shopping and since gas prices are like crack prices, I can put 20 dollars worth of gas in my gas guzzler and put the rest on my metro card. Being a grownup is rough. Then again, payday also means getting out of credit card debt, paying off the student loans, not being homeless and more frequent trips to go and see the family. Maybe being a grownup isn't too bad. Oh well, at least it is the weekend and I'm going to happy hour in a little bit. Bonsoir!

Monday, September 26, 2005


This weekend was one of laziness and happiness. Saturday I didn't leave the house all day. I had such grand plans to come to work, but the best laid plans of mice and men... I stayed in the house and watched movies (A Bronx Tale, I love Cologeno!) and Sex and the City. LOVED IT. The Sensation came over and we hung out. Sunday was much of the same. Hung out with the Sensation, watched TV, went to salsa class ( the Sensation is HOT! He got lots of compliments about his dancing. He's doing really well) and Chili's for dinner. We figured out what we are doing for Thanksgiving and got the Sensation a planner (I'm very excited about this). A good time was had by all!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


How can I be at work, working and be so damn bored? I must get a new job soon.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Weekend in Chi town

This weekend I went to my cousin's wedding in Chicago. It was gorgeous!! I saw lots of family who I hadn't seen for a while and my cousin and his bride looked great. Everything was good except for this really pretentious girl who sat on my left side(Yeah, they didn't seat me with my family...weird). She sat with her back to me the WHOLE reception. That is okay, I didn't want to talk to her anorexic, overmade-up ass anyway. Chicago is a beautiful city, and so clean!! If it wasn't so cold, I'd consider living there. We were up and down the Magnificent Mile and I had a great time. I also saw my parents decked out in my little sis' personal shopping splendor and that solidified my faith in my sister. My parents looked so cute. My sister is going to make me look like a rock star in January!! Also on an up note, even though I ate to my heart's content at the wedding, I lost 3.6 pounds this week. Yay Weight Watchers. Of course the salsa dancing lessons probably helped too. Yes, the Sensation and I started salsa yesterday. It was good. The Sensation is a great dancer when he just relaxes. After we got home, we watched Crash (EXCELLENT MOVIE! Definitely put it on your netflix list) and just hung out after that. It was a good weekend. It actually made going to work today okay. I just wouldn't let those crazy folks steal my sunshine!!

Friday, September 16, 2005


So, today is Friday and for the first time in a while I am HAPPY! My cousin gets married this weekend. I'm headed to the wedding in Chi-town, have a kick ass dress (thanks to the talent of my personal shopping sister) and I'm really happy for my cousin. There was a time when we were worried about him graduating from high school, let alone moving away, doing well at his job and getting married!! YAY! I had a fabulous lunch with the Sensation where we talked about what our plan for the next year is. It was a good convo. Last but not least, THE NASTY RAT IS DEAD!!! Happy dance (combination cabbage patch and running man with a bit of the prep thrown in!)

Thursday, September 15, 2005


It is 8:47 and the rat in our office has just made an appearance. Okay, this is not a rat like Templeton from Charlotte's Web, or the ultra smart rats from the Secret of Nimh. This is a big ass nasty dirty yucky disgusting rat, and it lives in my office. I'm considering going home, but I gotta pay bills, so I'm sitting here with my feet on a box. Luckily I wore platforms today, I might have to use one.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Ultimate Girl Moment

So I'm sitting at lunch today trying to destress from the craziness of the doc review. I was sitting there and this girl with a pretty decent afro puff rolls by. I actually turned to my friend and said, "Is my puff bigger than hers?" That was definitely my girl moment of the day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


My middle name is Agyekumwaa, "one so feared in life shall also be feared in death." Apparently, I am supposed to be a badass. My parents named me, so I guess they know I'm supposed to be a badass. It is tattoed on my back, so at one time I knew I was supposed to be a badass. So why don't I feel like one now? Where has my badass spirit gone? This morning on the metro I had a thought. "If all of these people know I'm a B.I.T (Badass in training) how come I feel so forlorn?" I was talking to SW last night and was telling her how I don't feel like a real lawyer even though I went to law school, got the JD and passed the bar. [BTW, shout out to SW- you are a rock star! You finished the paper and you will get through this time. I know you will.] Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program. So then I thought, maybe becoming a badass is a kind of fake-it-till-ya-make-it type of deal. So I guess I'm going to have to start faking it. I have to know that I am a badass and I will get a job soon. I have to know that I will pay down this damn credit card debt that is like a cement block around my feet. I have to know that I will lose these 80 pounds that must go (yes, 80 pounds, that is like a 10 year old child!). So I guess my intensive badass bootcamp starts today. My parents wouldn't have given me a name if I wasn't supposed to live up to it.

Monday, September 12, 2005

This is how I feel today

So the picture is not that great, but the poor hairless cat is just surly. That is how I feel today. Why do I feel like a hairless cat today? Well, for one, my office is about 2 degrees. They have the air on full blast and I'm freezing cold even in my sweater. I'm sure hairless cats get cold. Second, the cat looks angry. As you know, I've been angry for the past couple of months. I'm trying to get happy, but every time I try, something maks me upset. Today, it was the evidence that there are rodents in the room that I work in (yeah, not my office, I have no office). RODENTS!!! If that is not reason enough that I need a new job, I'm not sure what is. I'm just stressed out, worn out and snarly. Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel like something other than a hairless cat so I can post someting a bit cuter on my blog. This one looks like a gremlin...kind of funny, 'cause I feel like it looks.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Hairless Cats

Every so often when I get bored I research things like hairless cats. I find them so weird and at the same time fascinating. There was one week when I researched them every day (no joke, ask mookie, that was when we shared an office and she had to hear the facts about them). They are like cats with peach fuzz. I want to touch one, apparently they feel like suede. Do they need sweaters in the winter time? Do the other kitties make fun of them because they don't have hair? I'm quite amused by them, but I don't think that I would want one. They look like disgruntled old men.

I still can't find my tail

Day 2 of sickwatch 2005. I'm home again, watching TV, drinking tea and water and wondering I can't be the judge on the People's Court. I think I would do a good job.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I can't find my tail

I'm sick today. I stayed home from work, my whole body aches it is not a good situation. I am taking this opportunity to tell all you people who to go work sick, to STAY HOME. I know exactly who I got this from at work. He has been hacking and coughing all over the place and he probably has contaminated others with his illness. Not a fan. The Sensation has been wonderful, he came over and rubbed my back and took care of me.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Today is a bad day. I have no right to complain because so many people have it so much worse than I do, but I just feel bad. I see no end in sight and I feel like I just can't hold on anymore. I'm tired of feeling bad and stressed and angry about things that are beyond my control. I suppose I need to let go and let God, but that is very hard to do when you have no idea what is going on in your life or why. I just feel lost. I need a map, a sign, a compass...something.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I love a long weekend. Too bad long weekends seem so short. My weekend was a good one. Friday night had the old GULC crew over, drank some sangria, talked some smack, and had a great time. Saturday came to work. Yes, it was double time so I figured I should make some money. While at work, I changed from Nextel (spawn of Satan) to Verizon (manna from Heaven). Verizon is 10x better. After work, I met up with the Sensation and chilled out. Sunday morning I went to church. This whole hurricane thing has me riled and sad and I needed to talk to God. After that, I went to spinning class and took the Sensation with me. He held his own, although I think his hiney hurt more than he let on. I had grand plans to go to work but the day was so nice and my man was on my couch, so I sat right down on the couch and had a good work-free day. Monday I forced myself to go to work for five hours and was salty for the whole time, but at least I was getting paid double time to be salty. Then I went to lunch with the Sensation and his sister. It was wonderful. I really like not being at work. The Sensation's mom is coming up from Haiti and I've been invited to go to Miami to meet her. I'm shitting bricks. I mean, this man might be the one (I enrolled in a French class so any kids we have will be bilingual) and I'm about to meet his mom???!!!! I mean, obviously, I know I have to meet her and he has met my family, BUT I AM SCARED!!! Stay tuned for more on that. I'm back at work so I guess I should get back to it. A good time was had by all this weekend.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Well, we made it to Friday. As most days, I'm riled and it is 7:35 am. My friend Mike has taken to calling me the angry one. For the past couple of days I have been upset about the situation in New Orleans. It doesn't help that the Sensation has family down there who he can't get a hold of. I just keep hoping and praying that they are okay. Heard a GREAT piece on NPR about how racism is playing a role in flood relief. If I got riled about that, I wouldn't make it to work because I would really be trying to start the revolution. In other news, I may have some things in the works for a job. Nothing is too concrete but this is the first bite I've had in a while so say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed. I also didn't get to watch the Kathy Griffin show because I was dealing with one of my (former) friends who was texting me the most immature jokes. I had to call and cuss her out and then delete her from my phone. I thought we were all supposed to be grown? What is going on?? Oh, and why is gas over 3 bucks per gallon?? And that is for the regular, I don't even want to think about what the premium gas that I use costs. I think I'm going to be metroing and busing for a while. Well, the time has come to get ready for work. TGIF.