My middle name is Agyekumwaa, "one so feared in life shall also be feared in death." Apparently, I am supposed to be a badass. My parents named me, so I guess they know I'm supposed to be a badass. It is tattoed on my back, so at one time I knew I was supposed to be a badass. So why don't I feel like one now? Where has my badass spirit gone? This morning on the metro I had a thought. "If all of these people know I'm a B.I.T (Badass in training) how come I feel so forlorn?" I was talking to SW last night and was telling her how I don't feel like a real lawyer even though I went to law school, got the JD and passed the bar. [BTW, shout out to SW- you are a rock star! You finished the paper and you will get through this time. I know you will.] Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program. So then I thought, maybe becoming a badass is a kind of fake-it-till-ya-make-it type of deal. So I guess I'm going to have to start faking it. I have to know that I am a badass and I will get a job soon. I have to know that I will pay down this damn credit card debt that is like a cement block around my feet. I have to know that I will lose these 80 pounds that must go (yes, 80 pounds, that is like a 10 year old child!). So I guess my intensive badass bootcamp starts today. My parents wouldn't have given me a name if I wasn't supposed to live up to it.
At 3:15 PM,
mookieam131 said…
This is the best plan I've heard you devise in ages!
At 9:32 PM,
Sharon said…
I feel kinda sad that my middle name is Maria... Ohhh I am gunna kick ass like a... maria.. hehe
You are a Diva Bad Ass!! And girl, you know you gotta fake it till you make it! I do it all the time!
Besides, all your friends have confidence in you, so who gives a shit what anyone else thinks?
At 11:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah I made it...but only with the help of God and you!
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