I love a long weekend. Too bad long weekends seem so short. My weekend was a good one. Friday night had the old GULC crew over, drank some sangria, talked some smack, and had a great time. Saturday came to work. Yes, it was double time so I figured I should make some money. While at work, I changed from Nextel (spawn of Satan) to Verizon (manna from Heaven). Verizon is 10x better. After work, I met up with the Sensation and chilled out. Sunday morning I went to church. This whole hurricane thing has me riled and sad and I needed to talk to God. After that, I went to spinning class and took the Sensation with me. He held his own, although I think his hiney hurt more than he let on. I had grand plans to go to work but the day was so nice and my man was on my couch, so I sat right down on the couch and had a good work-free day. Monday I forced myself to go to work for five hours and was salty for the whole time, but at least I was getting paid double time to be salty. Then I went to lunch with the Sensation and his sister. It was wonderful. I really like not being at work. The Sensation's mom is coming up from Haiti and I've been invited to go to Miami to meet her. I'm shitting bricks. I mean, this man might be the one (I enrolled in a French class so any kids we have will be bilingual) and I'm about to meet his mom???!!!! I mean, obviously, I know I have to meet her and he has met my family, BUT I AM SCARED!!! Stay tuned for more on that. I'm back at work so I guess I should get back to it. A good time was had by all this weekend.
At 3:30 PM,
mookieam131 said…
I know what you mean about fear of meeting the Mom . . . BUT -- you have to do this, and he was brave enough to fly to Fla to meet your folks (a bit more intimidating because he met a whole bunch of people ALL AT ONCE). So, you can do this. Plus, you are fabulous, so clearly this woman will LOVE you.
At 10:45 PM,
Sharon said…
Oh la la! wee wee huh huh... that is the extend of my French. Sadly. I love french bread... and french kissing.. hehe
You are fabulous, and his mother with realize that you are fabulous, and the best thing to happen to her son. Besides, you know that his sister has given her the low-down already...
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