Hairless Cats

Every so often when I get bored I research things like hairless cats. I find them so weird and at the same time fascinating. There was one week when I researched them every day (no joke, ask mookie, that was when we shared an office and she had to hear the facts about them). They are like cats with peach fuzz. I want to touch one, apparently they feel like suede. Do they need sweaters in the winter time? Do the other kitties make fun of them because they don't have hair? I'm quite amused by them, but I don't think that I would want one. They look like disgruntled old men.
At 5:44 PM,
mookieam131 said…
Yes, I can attest to the looking them up every day for awhile phenomenon. They are gross - they are like the cat from Austin Powers - and they look like weird rats or opposums or something. Bad! And to answer your question, yes, I am sure my beautiful Bengal Cat would make fun of your Hairless psuedo-cat! So there! *L*
At 8:42 PM,
Sharon said…
You have too much time... I guess if we can have one eyed cat, someone could have a hairless cat..
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