This weekend I went to my cousin's wedding in Chicago. It was gorgeous!! I saw lots of family who I hadn't seen for a while and my cousin and his bride looked great. Everything was good except for this really pretentious girl who sat on my left side(Yeah, they didn't seat me with my family...weird). She sat with her back to me the WHOLE reception. That is okay, I didn't want to talk to her anorexic, overmade-up ass anyway. Chicago is a beautiful city, and so clean!! If it wasn't so cold, I'd consider living there. We were up and down the Magnificent Mile and I had a great time. I also saw my parents decked out in my little sis' personal shopping splendor and that solidified my faith in my sister. My parents looked so cute. My sister is going to make me look like a rock star in January!! Also on an up note, even though I ate to my heart's content at the wedding, I lost 3.6 pounds this week. Yay Weight Watchers. Of course the salsa dancing lessons probably helped too. Yes, the Sensation and I started salsa yesterday. It was good. The Sensation is a great dancer when he just relaxes. After we got home, we watched Crash (EXCELLENT MOVIE! Definitely put it on your netflix list) and just hung out after that. It was a good weekend. It actually made going to work today okay. I just wouldn't let those crazy folks steal my sunshine!!
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