So the picture is not that great, but the poor hairless cat is just surly. That is how I feel today. Why do I feel like a hairless cat today? Well, for one, my office is about 2 degrees. They have the air on full blast and I'm freezing cold even in my sweater. I'm sure hairless cats get cold. Second, the cat looks angry. As you know, I've been angry for the past couple of months. I'm trying to get happy, but every time I try, something maks me upset. Today, it was the evidence that there are rodents in the room that I work in (yeah, not my office, I have no office). RODENTS!!! If that is not reason enough that I need a new job, I'm not sure what is. I'm just stressed out, worn out and snarly. Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel like something other than a hairless cat so I can post someting a bit cuter on my blog. This one looks like a gremlin...kind of funny, 'cause I feel like it looks.
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tu blog es la OStia tio!! sigue asi!! las fotos de tus gatos me molan!! Visita el nuestro http://aguonobi.blogspot.com/
At 12:08 PM,
Nana said…
why are people commenting in spanish?
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