The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I have returned a changed bee

After spending a week in 80 degree weather, I have returned to the frozen tundra. I'm happy I spent the extra days at home. It was great seeing family and friends, I got a new tattoo, SD and DS introduced me to Patrone and I have been freed from bar studying (hopefully forever). The only thing I missed was the Sensation. If he would have been there I might have stayed for more time. I'm back, I'm free and I'm happy. All that and a bed and breakfast with the Sensation this coming weekend. Woohoo!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

First I was afraid, I was petrified...

But then I got the vibes that everyone sent and I survived. Thanks for the good thoughts, I got through it and I can relax now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I hate my life

I won't be posting until after the bar exam (Feb. 22nd). Send me lots and lots of good exam vibes because right now I am tired, cranky and don't want to play anymore.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Gay Penguins

My friend JM just sent me a story about gay penguins. Yes, gay penguins at a zoo in Germany. I think this is hilarious. First of all, the male penguins are refusing to mate with the female penguins and instead, have coupled off in relationships. As the gay folks' champion, I want to stand up and cheer for the penguins. They will not be turned! They are out of the closet and proud of it. I also find this amusing because I know so many people who are like, "homosexuality is not natural, it isn't found nature." Well, here you are. Gay penguins in nature. I doubt the penguins went to go see Brokeback Mountain and decided that this sounded like a good idea. Today the gay penguins get the three snaps in a Z formation, with a little tail shimmy for good measure.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I forgot about human contact

I had a bit of a study session with KM and mookie and it was so nice to see normal people. At the end of the day I am usually cranky and sad and not really feeling like studying. Today I was extra cranky. I am definitely feeling the pain of the bar exam. It was really nice to have some human contact, have some food, and do a little studying. You can always depend on your girls to help you avoid a breakdown.


Main Entry: pre·ten·tious Pronunciation: pri-'ten(t)-sh&sFunction: adjectiveEtymology: French prétentieux, from prétention pretension, from Medieval Latin praetention-, praetentio, from Latin praetendere1 : characterized by pretension : as a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature

I hate pretentious people. I'm not sure if it is because I live in a city with a lot of them or because I chose a profession where pretentiousness is king, but I have been running into a lot of pretentious pricks lately. I cannot stand it. Whenever I meet one I have to stifle my urge to take them down a notch or two. Sometimes the stifling works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm sorry but unless you have done something warranting recognition, you don't really have the right to be pretentious. If you come from money, have gone to an Ivy league school and now think you are the cat's meow, I'm sorry but you really didn't have to work that hard did you? I find it hilarious that these folks actually think they have done something when life has been so easy and things have been handed to them. Go teach in an inner city school and have some of your kids go on to college, then talk to me. Make it out of the ghetto and become successful and then say something. Come to this country with nothing and do the jobs that no one else wants until you can make it and your kids can have a better life. Those are the people who have a right to be pretentious, but 9 times out of 10 they are the most humble of people. I think that is what gets my goat. Most of the people who have the right to be pretentious pricks aren't. I know I have no right to be pretentious because the former janitor and the former waitress worked their asses off to give my sister and I the privileged life. Prententious people beware. You may think you are hot shit, but until you can tell me what you have done of value, I'm going to call bullshit on you everytime.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I feel myself growing up

I don't know why, but lately I've seen signs that I'm a grown-up. Now don't get me wrong, I still love Nickelodeon, but now I'm watching it in my apartment on the cable that I pay for. I'm not sure when this transformation occurred, but it has. I used to think that upon turning 21, you would be tapped by a magic wand and become an adult. I realize that doesn't happen. It is something that you grow into. I've noticed the tranformation and I'm wondering where I was when it happened.

Lately, I have been more aware of what I eat, not only because I am trying to get back to my fighting weight, but because diabetes and heart disease runs in my family. I've seen diabetes and it doesn't look fun. I think about comfort when I'm buying shoes, instead of being all about the fashion. I am growing closer to my family. I have always been close to my parents, but my sister and I used to fight like cats and dogs. I am now talking to her at least once a day, but usually more. She and I are actually friends as well as family. She is coming to visit me in March and I'm actually excited about it. I made a reservation at a B&B for the Sensation and I yesterday. A bed and breakfast?? Only grown ups do stuff like that. I've also seen my friendships shift and change. My mom once told me that I would find out that I didn't have to be nice to everyone and there are people who I would stay friends with forever and that there were people who would just be passing through. I see what she means now. I think more and more about my wedding now (no, I haven't been proposed to) because more and more of my friends are getting married. I used to be very quick to anger and now I find myself thinking about whether issues are really worth getting fired up over and relying much more on Karma to deal with people instead of plotting elaborate ways to get back at people (okay, I still plot, but not as much). I definitely see how adults can be sad and angry all the time, it is not always fun and there have been times where I have uttered the words, "being a grown up sucks" but after all is said and done, I think it is okay.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sword of Omens give me sight beyond sight

I have 14 days until go time. I am tired and cranky "and miles to go before I sleep." I needed some Thundercat love this morning.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Can someone please tell me why Mick Jaggar was wearing jazz pants in his Superbowl Halftime show?? My impressions of the Superbowl were very lukewarm. The commercials weren't that great, the game wasn't that exciting and the halftime show was pathetic. The only thing that I got from the Superbowl is that I want Jerome Bettis to be my neighbor. He looks like a very nice man who would feed the cat when I am out of town and help the Sensation move heavy stuff.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


So tonight as a reward for studying, I actually found and watched a UF Men's Basketball game on ESPN. It was wonderful. They beat Kentucky (Tubby is my least favorite coach he just looks unhappy all the time). I forgot how much I loved the games. Watching it made me so nostalgic for the college life. The Swamp, the O'Connell Center, the Set, Reitz Union, Gator Growl, Univeristy Ave, the Florida Theater, Black Greek Explosion, Russell's, the dorms and all things good about college. Life seemed so much simpler then. I had to call SW and reminisce for a little bit. Upon my return to palm trees and alligators, I will definitely have to get some season tickets to the basketball games (not that concerned about football, it is hot and drunken students don't interest me). Until then, GO GATORS!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Rudeness of America

I'm currently watching 20/20 and they are talking about rudeness in America!! The whole show is focusing on different aspects of Americans' rudeness. In this particular segment they are talking about rudeness and incivility in the workplace. Apparently, when your boss and/or co-workers are rude to you, the stress levels in your brain are elevated and actually have an effect on your hippocampus (it is the part of your brain that controls learning and memory). HOLY SHIT! I have to get out of the doc review room, my brain is suffering from being there.

I feel like a koala

For the past 2 days I have felt like a koala. They sleep 75% of the time, wake up just after sunset and spend time barking angrily at other koalas. I've also heard that although they are very cute, they are very surly little creatures. The sickness is running rampant thanks to TB man at work. I'm hoping that it will run its course this weekend and then go way so I'll stop feeling like a koala and start feeling like me again.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Damn the Groundhog!

I have succumbed to the germs, so I'm at home. I am not a fan. I am also not a fan of the groundhog. 6 more weeks of winter?? I bet he is mad because the humans are harassing him early in the morning.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

If you are sick, stay the hell home.

I didn't watch the State of the Union last night. Why you ask? Because frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. I have no desire to hear that stupid monkey talk about anything. I also have more pressing things going on. First, I'm trying to fight germs. There is a man in our office who is sick, he is very sick, he has had the same cough for about a month if not longer and the bastard will not go home. This goes back to my issues with people who have no home training. If you are sick, you stay home. You don't come into the office day after day to spread your sickness to others! I hate this man, I hate the fact that I am feeling like I am coming down with something because of this man. I have no time to be sick. The bar is breathing down my neck and I can't concetrate when my throat is itchy and I'm coughing. Hell, it is taking me a lot of effort to concentrate while I'm healthy! Granted, a day of rest would probably do me some good, but I don't have time for that. I'm just hoping that the sick man will choke in his sleep and take care of this problem for me. Okay, maybe not choke in his sleep, but I want him to take a week off and get rid of whatever he is spreading.