I don't know why, but lately I've seen signs that I'm a grown-up. Now don't get me wrong, I still love Nickelodeon, but now I'm watching it in my apartment on the cable that I pay for. I'm not sure when this transformation occurred, but it has. I used to think that upon turning 21, you would be tapped by a magic wand and become an adult. I realize that doesn't happen. It is something that you grow into. I've noticed the tranformation and I'm wondering where I was when it happened.
Lately, I have been more aware of what I eat, not only because I am trying to get back to my fighting weight, but because diabetes and heart disease runs in my family. I've seen diabetes and it doesn't look fun. I think about comfort when I'm buying shoes, instead of being all about the fashion. I am growing closer to my family. I have always been close to my parents, but my sister and I used to fight like cats and dogs. I am now talking to her at least once a day, but usually more. She and I are actually friends as well as family. She is coming to visit me in March and I'm actually excited about it. I made a reservation at a B&B for the Sensation and I yesterday. A bed and breakfast?? Only grown ups do stuff like that. I've also seen my friendships shift and change. My mom once told me that I would find out that I didn't have to be nice to everyone and there are people who I would stay friends with forever and that there were people who would just be passing through. I see what she means now. I think more and more about my wedding now (no, I haven't been proposed to) because more and more of my friends are getting married. I used to be very quick to anger and now I find myself thinking about whether issues are really worth getting fired up over and relying much more on Karma to deal with people instead of plotting elaborate ways to get back at people (okay, I still plot, but not as much). I definitely see how adults can be sad and angry all the time, it is not always fun and there have been times where I have uttered the words, "being a grown up sucks" but after all is said and done, I think it is okay.