The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

If you are sick, stay the hell home.

I didn't watch the State of the Union last night. Why you ask? Because frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. I have no desire to hear that stupid monkey talk about anything. I also have more pressing things going on. First, I'm trying to fight germs. There is a man in our office who is sick, he is very sick, he has had the same cough for about a month if not longer and the bastard will not go home. This goes back to my issues with people who have no home training. If you are sick, you stay home. You don't come into the office day after day to spread your sickness to others! I hate this man, I hate the fact that I am feeling like I am coming down with something because of this man. I have no time to be sick. The bar is breathing down my neck and I can't concetrate when my throat is itchy and I'm coughing. Hell, it is taking me a lot of effort to concentrate while I'm healthy! Granted, a day of rest would probably do me some good, but I don't have time for that. I'm just hoping that the sick man will choke in his sleep and take care of this problem for me. Okay, maybe not choke in his sleep, but I want him to take a week off and get rid of whatever he is spreading.


  • At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Choke in his sleep? haha. He can't stay home when he gets paid per hour.

  • At 10:07 AM, Blogger Nana said…

    That's the rub, he is a permanent employee. He gets unlimited sick days!!!


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