The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!

Back from the happy land of FL and it was fantastic. The Sensation and I spent a happy 6 days with my fam. It was great! We had a full house with me, my parents and sister, my cousin and the Sensation. I slept a lot, ate a lot and had a good time. Santa was very good to me and I am most excited about my presents. Everyone liked what I got them too so a good time was had by all. The Sensation's mom and sister also came up from Ft. Lauderdale on their way to New Orleans and so the two families met. We both think it went well. I realized when I got back that I really didn't do a lot while I was home. I spent some time with SD and DS which was FABULOUS and really, that was all that I needed. They are really the only two people that I must see, other than my parents, every time I go home. My sister lucked out and got a car for Christmas. Yes, she got a car, a 2006 Toyota Corrolla. It is gorgeous but it is stick shift. She can't drive a stick shift so we went out driving with her. Her fortune is my fortune because I get my dad's old car (he also got a new car for Christmas, a 2006 Lexus GS- very sporty and fun), another old Benz. It has less mileage than my current car and it looks better too. My parents are going to fix all of the small things that are wrong with it and I'll probably go down with the Sensation and drive it up in March. The Sensation surprised me and got me TiVo for Christmas. Love him. Oh yes, you are probably wondering why the pic of the little shorn sheep? Well, I got my afro cut while I was home. Yes ladies and gents, it is gone. I now have a bit more hair than my mom. I'm getting used to focusing on my face and not my hair now. I'm also thinking that bigger earrings and lipstick/gloss will have to be employed so people know I'm a girl. I'm also going to get it faded in the back this weekend. The barber who cut it kind of left a little shag in the back. Think Theo from the early Cosby Show years. NOT CUTE! I think after that minor adjustment I will be happy with it. Anyway folks, have a very safe and happy New Year's!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Holidays

Headed to warmer climates tomorrow for the holidays. Can't wait to sit on my mom's couch and dig my freshly pedicured toes into her carpet. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 19, 2005


So today I read this story that SM sent to me. Apparently a little hippo who lost his mom in the tsunami has adopted this tortoise as his new mom. Read story here. I find this so very cute and I decided to blog about it. That is all.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Why is it that no one speaks english anymore? Let me first say that I am all in favor of immigration. Hell, I am the product of two immigrants and I'm in love with one but ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SPEAK ENGLISH. I just called Apple because my iPod is acting up. I couldn't understand a WORD the man said. Now being the child of immigrants, I'm usually good at deciphering different accents if there is some small grasp of English. The iPod man didn't have that. Finally I just told him that I would take my iPod to the store and to have a good night. I don't blame him, he needs a job to pay rent just like I do. I blame the companies that hire people who can't speak English and don't bother to make anyone go to ESOL classes or do what it takes to make it easier on the employee and the customer. I am all for people speaking their language of choice, but if you are going to work in an area where you deal with customers you NEED to speak English. GRRRRRR.

On to my second ridiculous observation of the day. The Aprentice Season Finale. I don't even watch the damn show but I heard so much about it all day long that I felt I had to comment. First of all, I'm happy the black man won. Yeah, I said it. I'm kind of annoyed that people are now coming down on him for not taking the other girl with him. Ummm, he was right, it is THE APPRENTICE, meaning one person wins. He busted his ass, he did the work and Donald picked him so why should he take anyone with him? Frankly, I'm a bit offended that Donald would even ask him that question. Plus, I'm sure if the other girl had won she wouldn't have looked twice as she did her victory dance and stepped on the man's foot in the process. I highly doubt she would have tried to convince Donald to hire the man. Whatever. I've only seen a couple of episodes, but this seals the deal that I will never watch that show again.

Wore the afro out today. Feeling revolutionary. Power to the people.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Halfway to Freedom

This morning I paid off my Discover Card. It was very early so I didn't do a happy dance, but I might have to have a celebratory cocktail when I get home from work tonight. Next order of business. Mastercard.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This is what I feel like today

Yesterday SM felt like a little sheep. This is what I have felt like today. When I called SM this morning I was cocooned in my bed feeling very warm and happy. She proceeded on to work and I went back to bed. When the Sensation finally got me out of bed, it was almost 8 am. So much for a 12 hour day. Oh well, the day has been pretty ho hum, the highlight of which was sending my Christmas cards. It is cold and icky outside and much like the bat and other folks in our office, I haven't really perked up until now (It is 5:55 pm). I'll go find some food and get my act together to get some work done tonight. Hopefully, the bat-like tendancies will leave tonight and I'll get it together tomorrow. Back to the docs!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I feel like a little sheep

In my efforts to work60 hour weeks, I have found someone who is trying to do the same. My friend, SM, is also all about the crazy long hours. She and I have been good about getting up and getting to work. I give her a wake-up call, which makes me get up. This morning I called and she was adamant that she didn't want to get up because she was warm. Her words to me were, "I feel like a little sheep." I feel like a little sheep too...but I still told her to get her behind out of bed ;)

Monday, December 12, 2005


Today was a good day. (I didn't have to use my A.K... (c) Ice Cube. I got up and I could walk to the bathroom with no crutches, but then I realized I didn't have power. Luckily the power came on before I had to take my cat to stay at the Sensation's house so he didn't freeze his tail off). I went to work and got sworn into the DC Bar. It was the shortest most bootleg ceremony ever, but whatever, I'm in. Upon getting back to the office, I found out that I got the score I needed for the FL bar. Woo hoo. I barely made it, skated by a toe. Hopefully, I'll take the real test more seriously. To top it all off MY CAR IS FIXED!!! Happy happy happy!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I have gone...

I have not set foot out of my apartment. I haven't even poked my head out of my apartment door. I have eaten pizza, ice cream and chinese food for the whole weekend. I have watched tons of Law&Order and movies and taken lots of naps. I feel like my cat. The funny thing is that if my ankle wasn't hurt, I wouldn't want to leave the house, but now that I can't, I can't wait to get out. Oh well, I'm off the crutches and I get sworn into the DC Bar tomorrow and then back to work. I might melt from the outside air, but I'm so happy to get out. Oh and my car has still not been fixed. I'm too through with my mechanic. I'll talk about that later.

I love my apartment but...

I'm going stir crazy. I haven't left my apartment since yesterday.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

My Fall from Grace

Today on my way to the gym, I tumbled down the metro stairs and sprained my ankle. I was so emabarrassed! People were nice and asked if I was okay and of course, I said yes. I mean, I couldn't just sit down on the ground and cry (even though I wanted to). I'm now at work with ice on my very swollen and tender ankle. I just want the day to be over. On an up note, my friends at work have been wonderful. They are great about getting ice and making sure I'm comfy and SM even got me Chipotle. Even though it has been a pisser of a day, it is nice to know that people care.

Monday, December 05, 2005


After being in my apartment all weekend long (it was great) I came to work today and now it is snowing. It is gorgeous, but the folks around here don't handle snow well. We'll see how things go. Maybe this will help get me into the Christmas spirit!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Friday Night

So last night I was supposed to go out. I put on a cute outfit yesterday morning, made sure the fro was extra-big and took the time to do my make-up. The day went by and I was fired up and then it was the afternoon and I was fired up but a little tired and then it was around 7 pm and I was just tired. Then KJ called and said that she was stuck at the office and I thought about it. It was cold and it was dark and in my younger years (last year) I would have jumped up in my boots and went to party with the best of them. At 8:30 pm last night I was on my couch, in my pyjamas watching A Few Good Men with my cat. It was great. I think I have finally reached the point where a night in is just as good as a night out.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

This pic sums up my day

Tomorrow should be better.