
Why is it that no one speaks english anymore? Let me first say that I am all in favor of immigration. Hell, I am the product of two immigrants and I'm in love with one but ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SPEAK ENGLISH. I just called Apple because my iPod is acting up. I couldn't understand a WORD the man said. Now being the child of immigrants, I'm usually good at deciphering different accents if there is some small grasp of English. The iPod man didn't have that. Finally I just told him that I would take my iPod to the store and to have a good night. I don't blame him, he needs a job to pay rent just like I do. I blame the companies that hire people who can't speak English and don't bother to make anyone go to ESOL classes or do what it takes to make it easier on the employee and the customer. I am all for people speaking their language of choice, but if you are going to work in an area where you deal with customers you NEED to speak English. GRRRRRR.
On to my second ridiculous observation of the day. The Aprentice Season Finale. I don't even watch the damn show but I heard so much about it all day long that I felt I had to comment. First of all, I'm happy the black man won. Yeah, I said it. I'm kind of annoyed that people are now coming down on him for not taking the other girl with him. Ummm, he was right, it is THE APPRENTICE, meaning one person wins. He busted his ass, he did the work and Donald picked him so why should he take anyone with him? Frankly, I'm a bit offended that Donald would even ask him that question. Plus, I'm sure if the other girl had won she wouldn't have looked twice as she did her victory dance and stepped on the man's foot in the process. I highly doubt she would have tried to convince Donald to hire the man. Whatever. I've only seen a couple of episodes, but this seals the deal that I will never watch that show again.
Wore the afro out today. Feeling revolutionary. Power to the people.
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