My Weekend in Tampa

Where to begin. First of all, I took the Sensation home to meet the parents this weekend. He is a great person to travel with. Very entertaining and carries the heavy bags. We got in on Friday and he met my mom first. I was most worried about her. She cuts right to the chase, no BS. He was extremely nervous, but held up well through the preliminaries. We hung out for a while and then my dad came home. The Sensation got even more nervous but made it through that. I left him to go shower because we were going out with friends for sushi. When I got back down he was fine, engaged in convo, everything was good. We went to sushi with two of my very good friends and that was good. He was fabulous and tried everything. My friends went to get tattooed and we went home. We had a very full house. My sister came home from Italy late Friday night, my cousin was on vacation from Ghana and then he and I so I gave my cousin my room and I slept on the couch. The Sensation got the guest room, my sister was in her room ( I would have slept with her but her room is a disaster area and she kicks) and I was on the couch.
Saturday: I got up with a stiff neck I love my parents couch for a nap, but not for any kind of sleeping for real. We kind of lounged around talking to my parents. My mom and I had a massage appt so the Sensation was left with my dad. The massage was great and when we got back my dad had conned the Sensation into doing yard work with him!! Can you believe it? The man is a guest and somehow he is doing manual labor. What is he going to say, "No??" They mowed the lawn and trimmed the hedges and stuff. Apparently, they bonded because after that they went to lunch at Macaroni Grill and talked and stuff. Saturday night we had this big barbecue which was great. I learned the recipe for some fabulous sangria (I need to put it to use, so someone have a party) and the Sensation met EVERYONE. Everyone loved him. My mom and her best friend couldn't stop raving about how cute and personable he was (apparently everyone I bring home has the looks and personality of a wildebeest). I called my dad this morning and he said that he liked him and that he had passed the first test.
Sunday: We got up and my mom made us waffles and then we left. We had a long layover in ATL and our plane was delayed so we got home very cranky but we stayed up late last night and watched movies and talked about the weekend and I think everything is good.
So I guess you could say that I am now in a stable relationship. Until now I thought I had been in one of those, but there was always so much drama. I am so excited that I have broken free of the bonds of ridiculous Rodney- who though he could play me and get away with (too bad we think he is STILL in undergrad- talk about a super duper senior), my Polish Konrad- who I have nothing bad to say about and poor insecure Bryan who thought he was man enough, but so wasn't (most of y'all know that I'm just getting over the feeling that his tires need to be slashed- that fact that I got him to stop wearing jean shorts and he had the nerve to do me wrong just burns me to this day) and I have now found the Sensation. And to top it all off...the Sensation is the first one who may parents actually like. All is right in my world.
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