Effectuating Change

Okay, a couple posts ago I was talking about how I didn't have a real job, I wasn't a size 10 and I didn't own anything. Today I took a step toward at least one of those goals. I went to a Weight Watchers meeting and joined again. Yes, I said again. My relationship with Weight Watchers started the summer before my junior year in college. I joined and dropped 35 pounds in one summer. I was hardcore. I was at the gym twice a day and I was eating lots of fresh fruit and carrots. It worked, but the minute I stopped going to meetings I gained the weight back. I went back again the summer after I graduated from college and lost a bit of weight and managed to look cute when I went to law school. It has been downhill from there. I've been doing things in fits and starts for the past three years. It was really nice to get back to a meeting. I tried doing things online for a while, but it really didn't help. I think I need to actually go sit in at a meeting, get on a scale in front of someone else and get encouragement from other members. So it begins again. I realize it is going to be a slow rough process. I have about 80 pounds to go and now that I'm older, I know it isn't just going to melt away. It took a good while to put on and I'm sure it is going to take that much longer to come off. I think I'm just going to have to take it one week at a time. Day 1 is going okay. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.