iPods are the Crack of the new millennium

Can I just say how much I love this little sign? A friend of mine sent it to me and I find it hilarious! I've been having random thoughts about running a 5K in February. My mom does the Gasparilla race every year and I'm kind of thinking of doing it with her. Training for the run would be a good reason for me to take my ass to the gym and I kind of want to know what it feels like to finish a race. I mean 5K is 3.2 miles. If I dropped some poundage and trained I could probably run 3.2 and not die. I'll have to think on this some more.
In other news, my iPod died on the plane back from Vegas. I tried to resuscitate it to no avail. The past two days have been horrible. There has been a lot of rocking and shaking involved. I'm not sure how it happened, but I have become addicted to my iPod. I thought that I could go a couple of days without it and just pray that it would come back to me, but nothing happened and I started getting antsy. I bought one this evening and the jitters have gone away and I have stopped rocking. Clearly, the iPod is like crack. One day without it and you will do almost anything to get it back.
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