The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I think I may be dying

Okay, that was a bit overdramatic, but I've been told that I am a drama queen so I'm just staying true to form. I am not really dying, I just have a cold. It isn't a little sniffly pansy cold but a big honkin' mother of a cold. I feel like the Mucinex guy from the commercials has moved into my chest and I'm not hungry. You KNOW I'm sick if I'm not hungry. The coughing is getting old and the tightness in my chest has driven me to Vicks Vapo-rub. You know it is bad when I turn to the Vicks and the Robitussin. I am a baby when it comes to the tussin, it tastes like ass. In days past I would would just suffered and not had a drop of tussin, but the cold is kicking my tail. Now, I am trying to rally because tomorrow I'm leaving on a jet plane for Vegas and I don't want to bring anyone else down or contaminate the other girls with my cold. I'll just stock up in Airborne and pack the tussin in my carry-on.

Now, because my last post was about being happy about what I am blessed with I will talk about the good things that have happened to me today. 1. SM gave me some awesome books for my birthday. My flight back from Vegas is a long one so I'll be occupied. 2. I got my Nike Air Rifts in the mail today. Yes, they are the pig-toed shoes but they are COMFY (SW, I haven't opened the box yet but if I get the socks, they're yours) and kind of cute with jeans. 3. The Sensation is coming to take care of me after his class. Now I am not the greatest patient so I'm going to try to ingest some tussin and take a hot shower so I won't be too much of a whiney baby when he gets here. That being said, to the showers I go!

P.S. I have to give a congratulations shout out to Glib Gurl who passed her test on Friday! You go girl!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I just got an email from my fabulous friend RP. Every so often he will send me a devotional. Now I consider myself Christian and I believe that there is a God, but my attendence at church is spotty and best and I'm not the one to quote scripture and verse to people. RP's devotional really hit home with me today. It basically says that you need to be able to praise God while you are going through your tough times. One line that resonates with me is, "Do you realize your complaining does not force God to respond any faster?" Wow. That is the truth. With all of my complaints and moaning and kvetching, things will happen in their own time. I hate my job, but it surely does pay bills and allows me to live a lifestyle which I enjoy. The job also came at a time when I was about to have to move home because I had a negative amount in my bank account. Until the time when I get a new job that hopefully will make me happy, I will have to realize that I am blessed and highly favored and stop complaining about my situation.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Good weekend

I had a fabulous weekend. SW came up and added sunshine to my world, which was kind of dark last week. We hung out and watched movies on Friday night (The Squid and the Whale is an ...interesting movie) and Saturday was spent shopping and frolicking around the city. Saturday night we went to a reggae concert and Sunday she rolled back to NYC. Last night the Sensation and I had one of those "what are we doing and where are we going" conversations. It was good. It is always nice when two people's plans dovetail so well. Today has kicked off what is going to be a fabulous week and this weekend- Vegas to celebrate KH turning "the new 20." Rock On!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I want to run away

I want to quit my job and join the circus. No really, I do.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Bar Results

Hmmm, FL results are out. I didn't pass. For some reason, I'm not that sad. Yes, I would have liked to pass on the first try, but it is not the end of the world. I'm just going to have to do better in July. Like this little piggy I'm going to jump in and try again. That is all and Happy Monday.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Fed Up

I'm feeling a bit fed up for a couple of reasons:

1. Homeless people- when I first move to DC I felt bad for them, now I could care less. I don't even feel bad that I don't care. I am repeatedly asked for money on my way to work. "No, I don't have a dollar, I do have $150K worth of debt. Can I have a dollar?" Also, when I have given people a dollar I sometimes get "is that all you have" or "that's a nice car, can I get a bigger bill?" WHAT? Yeah, that is why I have started to get stank with the homeless people. I'm done giving people money.

2. My job. I rant about it all the time. I'm not sure if I have the energy to rant about it today. I'm tired, I'm not using my education and I'm bored. I now understand why smart kids act out in classes that aren't challenging to them. I have contemplated throwing a bottle of water at woman who sits next to me for the past two hours. I keep hearing that I'm doing all of the right things and something will come up soon and I only need one job but day after day I come to this place I hate because I have yet to find a job and I need to pay my rent. The Pollyana "everything is going to be okay" thoughts aren't sustaining me anymore. I'm not sure what to do.

3. Tourists. They are almost as bad as the homeless. I tried to help some very lost elderlies yesterday and they shot me a dirty look. Fine, wander into Southeast and get shot, I don't give a damn!

Happy Easter everyone, perhaps next week will be better.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yesterday was my bday and it was very low key. I got lots of birthday calls and cards and a big birthday box from SD and DS. The Sensation sent me flowers at work which were very nice and he took me to dinner last night. A good birthday was had by me. The capper of the week would be if I got a job, so far things are going well so keep your fingers and toes crossed.

I am now moving on to how much I HATE the youth of today. I guess because I've had a birthday, I'm feeling my age. I have realized that I don't like them at all. Babies and toddlers are cute when they aren't screaming. I think my rankled ire (SM, you liked that didn't you?) is directed at teenagers and college students. Mind you, I don't hate all of them, just the ones I usually run into at the mall and on the metro. Usually, you can spot them because they are dressed way too trendy to be going to work and they usually get off the metro at Pentagon City or Foggy Bottom and insert the word "like"after every word. I'm over them. I think we should send them to a developing country for 6 months. It is hard to form the word "like" when you are too hungry to stand up. It is my birthday week, I can be politically incorrect.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Kiss the Ring

So it is my birthday week and I am feeling a little bit like folks should kiss my ring and bring me money. It is Monday and things started off quite fabulously Saturday when my dad took me out for a birthday dinner. He was in DC on business and took me to a great restaurant. Yesterday, I finally sold my car so I made some money and I can finally drive the "new" B3. Today has been a good day at work, it has gone quickly, I haven't eaten everything in sight and people haven't gotten on my nerves. Let's hope that good things continue to happen this week!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My Florida Gators are the 2006 NCAA Men's Basketball Champions!! UF is not just a football school any more. Yesterday was a rough day for me, but after last night's game I felt better than I have in a long time.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


MY BOYS ARE GOING TO THE BIG DANCE!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!