I think I may be dying

Okay, that was a bit overdramatic, but I've been told that I am a drama queen so I'm just staying true to form. I am not really dying, I just have a cold. It isn't a little sniffly pansy cold but a big honkin' mother of a cold. I feel like the Mucinex guy from the commercials has moved into my chest and I'm not hungry. You KNOW I'm sick if I'm not hungry. The coughing is getting old and the tightness in my chest has driven me to Vicks Vapo-rub. You know it is bad when I turn to the Vicks and the Robitussin. I am a baby when it comes to the tussin, it tastes like ass. In days past I would would just suffered and not had a drop of tussin, but the cold is kicking my tail. Now, I am trying to rally because tomorrow I'm leaving on a jet plane for Vegas and I don't want to bring anyone else down or contaminate the other girls with my cold. I'll just stock up in Airborne and pack the tussin in my carry-on.
Now, because my last post was about being happy about what I am blessed with I will talk about the good things that have happened to me today. 1. SM gave me some awesome books for my birthday. My flight back from Vegas is a long one so I'll be occupied. 2. I got my Nike Air Rifts in the mail today. Yes, they are the pig-toed shoes but they are COMFY (SW, I haven't opened the box yet but if I get the socks, they're yours) and kind of cute with jeans. 3. The Sensation is coming to take care of me after his class. Now I am not the greatest patient so I'm going to try to ingest some tussin and take a hot shower so I won't be too much of a whiney baby when he gets here. That being said, to the showers I go!
P.S. I have to give a congratulations shout out to Glib Gurl who passed her test on Friday! You go girl!!