The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I *heart* Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder is 57, he has a serious receding hairline,insists on holding on to his dreadlocks and he has gained some weight since he was in his prime but I LOVE him. I went to go see him last night at the Verizon Center and I feel in love all over again. He gave a great show and he did all of his old favorites plus some new ones. This was definitely good use of money that I didn't have, because I *heart* Stevie Wonder.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

All Tuckered Out

There is semi-permanent outline of my body in my couch today. I am all tuckered out. This past week was exhausting and my body is still recuperating. Last weekend I went to NYC to celebrate SW's birthday. SW had a good time, I had a good time and we celebrated hard. I then got on the train (I took the train up and back and it was great!!) and came back home to work on my big case. I argued my first big nursing home discharge case this past week. I have been working on this case for the past couple of months and I've put blood, sweat and tears into it. I came back early on Sunday to put the finishing touches on it. The case went down on Wednesday and I argued like I had never argued before. I think I did a good job, but I couldn't stop to dwell on it because after my 5 hour hearing, I had to drive 4 hours to get to a conference. I conferenced until Friday and then drove back home in the pouring rain. I tried to make it back for SM's birthday dinner but I got back too late. I really didn't expect to set up camp on my couch this weekend. I had all kinds of plans and aspirations, but my body had other plans. I have gone from my bed to my couch and back again. I think I've gotten more sleep this weekend than I've gotten during the past two weeks. Let's hope the rest and relaxation help get me through the week.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


So, this weekend started off with me at a conference at 8:45 in the morning after going to a Weight Watchers meeting that didn't really go very well. Was I salty? Yes, but the day got better. I came home after leaving the conference, buying some new running shoes, getting a smoothie, and finding some lunch. I was excited because I had a couple of hours until a night on the town with some of my sistafriends. I decided to pull out the grown and sexy and did the hot eye shadow (the Loreal High Pigment eye shadows are THE BOMB). I've realized that no matter how crusty I feel, a nice eyeshadow makes me feel better. It was nice to see some friends who I haven't seen for a while and we had fabulous food and conversation. Then, we headed to the movie. Everyone should go and see Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married. When I heard it was coming out I got excited because it wasn't the regular Tyler-dressed-in-drag-as-Medea movie. Plus it was about black people who were married? When do you see that in a movie? I mean real marriage, not just the Huxtables (don't get me wrong, I loved the Cosby show but that was NOT a realistic view of marriage.) Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and I will probably go and see it again with The Sensation and then buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Sunday morning started quite nicely. The Sensation and I slept in and got up in time for lunch. We had a nice lunch and then he went to work and I went to the gym to try out my new running shoes. I loved them! I was actually compelled to run a bit instead of just walk. I am a big fan of them! Back to the grind tomorrow, but only a couple more days until the annual SW birthday bash in NYC.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Shaking It Off

This weekend I have been funky and foul. Friday I was exhausted and disillusioned and came home and fought with The Sensation over something ridiculous. Saturday, I woke up feeling icky so I stayed in my bed all day long. I got up to eat and to go to the bathroom. Was it necessary for me to take to my bed? No, it was a bit extra, but it gave me time to think. Somewhere between Saturday at midnight and Sunday at 2 am, I decided I needed to shake it off. In the words of Ghandi, I needed to be the change I wanted to see in the world, and if not the world, then at least in my life. In order to do that I had to get it together.

Sunday, I felt like a changed bee. I got up, hit the gym, went to brunch with my old boss, discussed my resume and how I could update it to start to see what the job market has to offer, counted points like a champ, and finally changed my calendar from September to October. I then realized that I had missed a friend's birthday. I was too ashamed to call (most of you know that I'm the queen of the cards so missing an event is akin to an earthquake in my world) so I went and got a card from Target and it is currently sitting on the shelf by my door ready for mailing. This morning I decided that I can't figuratively clean my house if I don't literally clean my house so I've started to clean. I've tackled the bathroom and the kitchen so far and I've got a ton more to do. I've mopped and scrubbed and started to do the laundry, but as we all know it has to get worse before it gets better. I still have more to do and I will be tired by the end of the day, but that is okay because I am shaking it off.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Urge to Slap is gone

So the urge to slap someone is gone. I think it because I woke up feeling sick this morning so I don't have the strength to slap someone. I am now watching The Biggest Loser, which I have been faithfully TiVoing and watching every week. For some reason it always makes me cry. I think it is because I really identify with the people and the struggles that they are going through.

Friday, October 05, 2007


Ludacris has a song called "Slap"which basically talks about how he feels like slapping someone. I feel like that today. I just want to slap the taste out of some people.