The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I had a lot to blog about today but now that I'm home I'm tired and I've forgotten it all. I am starting to feel like some of my clients. Forgetful and ornery. If it doesn't get done between the time I leave the house and the time i get home, it won't get done. I've taken to falling asleep on the couch after dinner and today I came home at 5 and put on my pjs and slippers. I need to build up my stamina so I can get through a day and not feel like collapsing when I walk through my door. Oh well, tired as I may be, I love my job. I guess this it what happens when you use your brains. However, I am going to have to consult with The Sensation and see when he plans to strike it rich so I can become a Lady who Lunches. I've decided I can't be a fairy princess, so Lady who Lunches will have to do.

Off to find food!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Figuring things out

This past weekend I had a wonderful time in NYC. Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. Last Wednesday-Friday I went to a conference for work. It was great to be at a place where I was actually learning material that was going to help me in the job that I do. From the conference I came home, checked my email, got a snack and got back on the road to catch my train to NYC. SW and I saw Russell Peters who was hilarious and then we just hung out all weekend. It was great, very low key and just what I needed. We went to see this exhibit called CANstruction which is coming to an area near you so check it out if you can. We also went to a restaurant called S'Mac where you can get about a million kinds of macaroni and cheese. Yummy goodness. I only got caught up by the "fire of the foot" once and thoroughly enjoyed my weekend.

While I was in NYC I saw two people who I went to law school with. The first was in the CANstruction exhibit and we exchanged pleasantries and went on. The second was someone who I once considered a friend and I saw her on the subway. The weird thing is that I saw her, looked her dead in her face and kept on going. I had no desire to talk to her and I had no guilt about not stopping. I just didn't care. It is funny how as I get older I realize who my true friends are and who is on the periphery. There are people who I don't talk to for weeks but when we talk, it is like we haven't broken stride. Those are my true friends. I might not talk to them every day or we might email back and forth every day, but I know if I ever needed them, they would be there for me.

Had a hilarious conversation with one of my co-workers today. He couldn't believe that I took a 45K pay cut for the job that I'm doing now. When I actually said the words I couldn't believe it either, but then I went back to my office and started drafting the power of attorney and living will for the adorable little old lady who came to see me yesterday. Am I broke? Yes. Will I struggle for the next couple of years? Yes. Will it be rough? Yes, but the hugs that woman and her son gave me and the experience that I am gaining are totally worth it.

It is 9 pm on the day before Thanksgiving. Why haven't I gone shopping for the food yet???


What the fuck is wrong with Kramer?

1. I will never watch this man again.
2. Why did some people in the audience think this was funny?
3. It is 2006- will foolishness like this ever stop?

Update: Another reason I will not ever watch him again

Friday, November 17, 2006

Trying to do a good deed

A couple of days ago I was at Love Cafe getting a cupcake. The woman in front of me was taking a long time and realized that she had lost her wallet. While she went to look for it I paid for her meal. I figured it was 10 bucks well spent and the good karma would come back to me. When she came back from looking for her wallet the cashier told her that I had paid and not to worry about it. The woman was so STANK to me that I took a step back. She told me she had lost her wallet, told me she didn't have time to sit and eat and that she didn't want the food. SHE DIDN'T WANT THE FOOD!! I was livid. She took my good deed and made me think evil thoughts about her. A simple "thank you" would have sufficed. Harumph. Stank Heifer. Oh well, the Sensation and I had a BLT, some soup and a laugh because of her.


Okay, I just got back from this conference for work and I am exhausted! I bonded, partied and now I'm here for about an hour before I head to NYC. It looks like NYC is going to be my last hurrah because I need to find a part time job STAT! Watching the bank account dwindle is not cool.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Crazy Oven

Okay, so lately I've been doing a lot of baking, cooking and cleaning. Everyone is telling me that I'm nesting, which is true but I'm also just so psyched about having so much space to cook in that I feel like I should be cooking all of the time. My only issue is my oven. It is CRAZY! Now don't get me wrong, I like the fact that all of my appliances are new, but for some reason my oven is cooking everything way too fast. For three weeks in a row I have tried to make pumpkin bread. I always end up with bread that is burned on the outside, half-raw on the inside and a house that smells like charred pumpkins. I've tried adjusting the temperature down, moving the bread pans around, checking the bread every 5 minutes and a combination of these three things. I am currently sitting in a freezing cold apartment because I have all of my windows open to combat the smell. I'm not sure what I should be doing to fix the oven but in 2 weeks I'm going to have to cook a turkey and I don't want to ruin it. What is a girl to do?

Update: I love the internet. I figured out how to recalibrate my oven's thermostat. Maybe that will work. I'll have to try baking again soon.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The new gig

Love the new job. Love love love it! They have me hopping from the time I get in until the time that I leave. I am very happy but very overwhelmed. It is only the second week and I know that there is a learning curve, so stay tuned for more!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Things get weirder

So, yesterday after hearing from my ex, I send him an email which basically said, "So sorry to hear about your surgery please don't call me anymore." I got an email saying, "I didn't call you yesterday, I haven't had surgery, but I hope you are doing okay in DC, I would like to call you." Ummm, Hell to the no and could someone please tell me what the hell is going on?