This past weekend I had a wonderful time in NYC. Well, I'm getting ahead of myself. Last Wednesday-Friday I went to a conference for work. It was great to be at a place where I was actually learning material that was going to help me in the job that I do. From the conference I came home, checked my email, got a snack and got back on the road to catch my train to NYC. SW and I saw
Russell Peters who was hilarious and then we just hung out all weekend. It was great, very low key and just what I needed. We went to see this exhibit called
CANstruction which is coming to an area near you so check it out if you can. We also went to a restaurant called
S'Mac where you can get about a million kinds of macaroni and cheese. Yummy goodness. I only got caught up by the "fire of the foot" once and thoroughly enjoyed my weekend.
While I was in NYC I saw two people who I went to law school with. The first was in the CANstruction exhibit and we exchanged pleasantries and went on. The second was someone who I once considered a friend and I saw her on the subway. The weird thing is that I saw her, looked her dead in her face and kept on going. I had no desire to talk to her and I had no guilt about not stopping. I just didn't care. It is funny how as I get older I realize who my true friends are and who is on the periphery. There are people who I don't talk to for weeks but when we talk, it is like we haven't broken stride. Those are my true friends. I might not talk to them every day or we might email back and forth every day, but I know if I ever needed them, they would be there for me.
Had a hilarious conversation with one of my co-workers today. He couldn't believe that I took a 45K pay cut for the job that I'm doing now. When I actually said the words I couldn't believe it either, but then I went back to my office and started drafting the power of attorney and living will for the adorable little old lady who came to see me yesterday. Am I broke? Yes. Will I struggle for the next couple of years? Yes. Will it be rough? Yes, but the hugs that woman and her son gave me and the experience that I am gaining are totally worth it.
It is 9 pm on the day before Thanksgiving. Why haven't I gone shopping for the food yet???