Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Bombs over D.C.

I never thought that a bomb threat could make me so happy. Today at 4:30 pm my office building was evacuated because someone called in a bomb threat to the security desk. I have no idea what the firm has done to make people disgruntled, but I am kind of happy to have been sent home. I have been feeling run down all week and while, I'm losing my chance to get overtime, this is a chance for me to clean my house, watch some backlogged netflix and get some rest. I'm a fan. Nothing else is going on. The Sensation is sick and sounds horrible. My car is also sick and is going to be expensive to fix and I'm going to NYC this weekend for SW's birthday bash. Oh well, off to watch Il Postino.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Are they Crazy?
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Happy Weekend
Now, most of you have asked for more details about the meeting of Mama Sensation. Well, we met after our salsa class last week and we talked and got to know each other. She is a small woman(very cute, she looks like they made a copy of her face and put it on James' body) but I was terrified. I was so worried she would be thinking, "who is this afro'd woman trying to take my baby." It was a bit strange because her first language is French and my French is a bit rusty (but coming along due to my class). There were lots of pauses, but we got through. Dinner last night was much better. I even got a hug and the two cheek kiss at the end of the night. Next time she comes up I hope my French is suitable enough to have a good conversation. So that was the weekend. Now it is Sunday and I'm headed back to work. I'm actually okay with that because a girl who went to law school with me just started there and with her and my other friend at work we have a nice little contingent going. It actually makes work fun!! Oh well, off to watch some TV.