My Neck, My Back

No, I'm not alluding to that horrible song by Khia, I'm talking about the fact that my WHOLE BODY hurts. Okay, first let me extend my apologies for not posting in ages. I've been busy and sleepy. I hope everyone had a good holiday season and 2008 is treating everyone well. Now, back to my aching body. This year my goal is to take care of me and go to the gym more and eat right. (Notice I didn't say lose weight, if I do that in the process ((which I know I will)), I'm happy). So, to that end I've dedicated myself to going to the gym at least 5 times a week. I've also added some weight-lifting to the mix and I am quite sore. I'm seeing more definition in my legs and my body feels stronger, but the pain is still constant. I guess they say no pain no gain, but damn, when will it stop hurting??
Hmmm, what else to recap? The new job is great, my boss is great and all of my co-workers ROCK! The Sensation is good and the weight loss journey continues. I have some questions though. Why do I keep seeing albinos? I've seen 3 in the past two days. How can I win the lottery so I can work because I like my job, not because I'm broke? How do you say, "you have the wrong numbers, stop calling me" in Spanish. Someone in California keeps calling my cell phone and they don't speak English so telling them that they have the wrong number hasn't bee working. Thoughts?