Whatever happened to home training? Apparently the people of D.C. have never heard of the words "excuse me" and instances of spitting on the street are at an all time high. You would think that lawyers would be more refined but NO, I've realized that lawyers are some of the rudest people on the planet. I have often said that I am going to start an etiquette class for lawyers. It will be kind of like Barbri or PMBR. It will be mandatory and it will make me lots and lots of money so I don't have to be a lawyer. I will start the class by telling people that they MUST discipline their children. I think that people have lost their home training because people don't beat their kids. Not beat them like call Child Services, but a swat on the tush. A little pat on the behind never hurt anyone. We all know that children with no home training grow up to be adults with no home training and there are already too many of those in the world. Everyone should join the campain to eradicate rudness. Spank your children when they act up and don't spit. Thank you, that is all.
At 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rob doesn't believe in beating a child -- at all. Please... ain't nobody above an ass-whoopin.
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
I vote for the home training class. I will help you put together materials, including a binder full of examples, for your mandatory course. We'd make millions!
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