This week started off very well. I was on track at the gym and with studying and all things were good. I took my car in the mechanic to get the lights fixed. I paid them a whole bunch of money (about one day's worth of clicking documents) and thought all was well. I get in my car to go to the library tonight to get my study on and my car alarm goes off and keeps going off until I park the car. Apparently, when they fixed my lights, they messed up my car alarm. This wouldn't be a big deal except for I paid them way too much money and they are a dealership. Aren't they supposed to know what they are doing? I also am pissed off at the people who live in my building. Here in the barrio, they apparently don't like signs because they took down the sign on the dryer that said, "out of order." I spent my last $1.25 in a dryer that didn't work. I now have wet clothes hanging all over my apartment. I am feeling rundown and frustrated. I'm not quite sure why. My patience is very short and different people, places and things are getting on my nerves and apparently I am mean. I'm just through. I think I need a vacation.
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