The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Friday, January 20, 2006


It is 8:38 pm. I am on my couch with my cat. My Vineyard candles are burning, Law & Order is on and I have my comfy sweats on. The water in the kettle is boiling and I have a new Sex and the City DVD. In a former life, I would think I was acting like a 75 year old. Now I know that I'm just acting like a grown-up. Good weekend wishes to all. Ciao!


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