
This week I told myself that I would work out every morning before work. Monday and Tuesday I did Tae Bo, Wednesday I did Power yoga and this morning I did Step Aerobics. Can I just say OUCH! My body is very mad at me. I have spiraled downwards since my days of dance and track and I am ashamed at how out of shape I am. The Sensation claims that my pain will go away soon and that he supports my workout efforts 100% but it took all of my strength to drag my aching bones out of bed this morning and set up the step. Even though it sucks, I am determined to keep this up. It takes 21 days to create a habit and I have to keep going. I have promised myself I am going to lose weight so many times and I have always been on plan for a couple of weeks and then fallen off. I have to stop these fits and starts. I guess I'll do the same thing I did with Discover. Just keep putting in a little work at a time and in time the aches will go away and so will the weight. In the meantime, does anyone know where I can get a good massage?
At 3:34 PM,
Glib Gurl said…
Go, girl! This post has totally inspired me to post something on my blog . . . be on the lookout. In the meantime, I know of a few decent massage places - give me a shout and I'll give you referrals :)
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