I am a prisoner in my apartment. I woke up this morning feeling good, I worked out, showered, dressed and was on my way out the door when disaster struck. I went to turn the knob of the top lock on my door AND THE KNOB CAME OFF IN MY HAND! This is not supposed to happen. Like any other new age girl, I went to my tool box, grabbed a screwdriver and started poking around. No help. I called the emergency maintenance line, yes I know that this might not warrant the emergency maintenance line but I am trying to get to work as soon as possible so I can leave as soon as possible. I just got a call-back from the maintenance man. He is getting dressed and will come over in 10 minutes. Maybe my parents are right, if I don't move to the land of palm trees and alligators, I might have to change apartments. This is just a bit too bootleg.
At 4:11 PM,
mookieam131 said…
Your life has turned into a sit-com. I mean, seriously, doesn't this sound like something Lucile Ball would find herself doing, or if you want to be more modern, Joan on Girlfriends or Phoebe on Friends? Hope you got that fixed and life resumed as normal!
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