Home Training Pet Peeves, NPR and Four Things Meme

Can I first just say that I love my people! Only Africans would think to put a goat in a basket. What I don't like are people with no home training. Earlier this week, I posted about my campaign to eradicate the world of rudeness. The movement continues. Two more things I realized today are that people don't say "thank you" when you hold a door for them anymore. I hate that!! I am not Kizzy, I don't have to hold the door for you. If I go out of my way to hold the door for you please acknowledge my efforts by a "thank you." I'll even take a head nod, just do something to show that your mother raised you right. Another thing I have noticed is that when paying for things at stores and restaurants people don't hand their money to the cashier! As one who worked as a cashier through high school and college, I find that this is one of my pet peeves! I'm sorry but if handing the money to the cashier is too taxing for you, maybe you should use the self check-out lane. This morning I watched a woman count out 95 cents and plunk it on the counter on top of her twenty dollar bill. I was so annoyed by that and the barrista looked like she wanted to spit in the woman's coffee. Please, if you are reading this and have ever put change on the counter FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY PLEASE STOP!!
Now that I have gotten that off my chest, let's talk about NPR again. SM's friend, EN, was on NPR last night!! He is arguing a case in front of the Board of Immigration Appeals today. First of all, I am excited that someone I have met before was on NPR. Second of all, I think that it is very cool and inspiring that someone our age is moving and shaking like that. It gives me hope that someday I will break free of temp world and do big things too. To find the story on NPR, click here.
Glib Gurl has tagged me for the Four Things Meme game so here goes:
Four Jobs I've Had:
- Cashier for Publix Supermarkets (you learn how to smile even though your feet hurt, someone has plunked 2 bucks in change on your register, and your bag boy is trying to push up on you)
- Customer Service Rep for UPS ( I was the one who had to deal with the fact that your package is 3 days late and you have called to cuss me out about it. Sorry pookie, UPS lied.)
- Law Clerk for the AARP- I think this has been my favorite job so far. They were wonderful.
- "Special" Project Attorney- I will refrain from commentary.
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
- Coming To America- What are you talking about? I am the Queen of Zamunda!
- Say Anything- LOVE John Cusack. Quickest way to my heart is with a boombox and some Peter Gabriel
- The Godfather- maybe I should become a consilieri. I have the degree and the license.
- Shrek- love it, 'nuff said
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch
- Law & Order SVU
- The Boondocks
- Law & Order- the original with Jerry Orbach (shown on TNT and USA a million times a day)
- Anything on Nickelodeon on a Saturday morning.
Four Places I've Been on Vacation:
- Ghana- that is a given.
- Hawaii- went with my best friend from high school, I must go back soon
- Bahamas- went in college, another place I must go back
- Paris- not really on vacation, it was an exchange program. I need to brush up on my French, then go back.
Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
- On vacation with the Sensation
- On the couch at my parents' house
- In my sister's new apartment. This is her first time living alone. I worry.
- In the library ( not really, but I need to study)
Four Sites I Visit Daily:
I'm not going to tag anyone because I know folks are busy, but if you want to play the game, go for it! Also, if there are any spelling errors. I apologize. This is a long post and I don't have time to proofread.
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