Jill Scott Knows What She's Talking About
Go to work today -
I 'd rather - Stay home - And play - video games- I wanna chill
But I gotta get upI gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta get up (repeat 1x)
Get up
I don't want to go to work today I'd rather stay home and play video games
I'd rather chill for real
I don't know how you feel
But sometimes I feel like I'm
Workin' for nuthin' tryin' to get sumthin'
Every where I turn there's a bill standing out
Swim the river climb the hill
Complacency you ain't gone get me no no no no
That is why it is 8:53 and I am sitting with my fro in a towel trying to figure out what I'm going to wear today. Jill Scott will definitely be in heavy rotation on the iPod today. C'mon weekend!! BTW, I'm going to be watching My Life on the D List tonight. Both Mookie and Glib Gurl are raving about it. I must see what all the hype is about.
At 1:42 PM,
mookieam131 said…
Another convert to the world of Kathy G! Seriously, you're going to get sucked right in and love it. I mean, the phrase "main gays" - how can the show not be a hoot?
At 9:33 PM,
Glib Gurl said…
Oh my gosh - I was *just* listening to that song THIS morning because, well, I didn't want to go to work today.
What did you think of Kathy G?
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