First let me say that it doesn't really feel like Halloween. I didn't go out in costume, there are no kids running around the neighborhood and I'm not gorging myself on candy. Wait, I just had some kids come to the door so scratch the second point. I hope more kids come, we need to get this candy out of our apartment. In true Halloween fashion weird things are happening. The ex from
Ex-Factor called me. It has been about 4 years since I talked to that man, why is he coming out of the woodwork now? He claimed he dialed the wrong number and was trying to get in touch with his grandma because he had just had surgery on a tumor in his throat, but why is my number still in his phone?? I don't get it. My mom finds it crazy, the Sensation thought it was pathetic and I'm just at a loss...maybe he was on heavy drugs after the surgery because he
knows I want no dealings with him. Oh well, I'll chalk it up to Halloween madness. Happy Halloween and be safe!
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