Okay, I have had a great weekend except for one glaring thing. I'm going to start with that first. Why don't people speak English anymore?!!!??? Now, I know that English is not an easy language to learn and some people choose to live in little enclaves where they never have to learn it and I'm okay with that. As the child of immigrants and the girlfriend of one, I know that it is sometimes easier to just speak your native tongue. BUT (and this a a HUGE but) if you are going to get a job where you are going to work in the PUBLIC SECTOR I'm going to need you to take an ESOL class. I went to a fast food restaurant yesterday and the woman didn't speak English. I asked her for no pickles on my sandwich and she looked at me like I had sprouted another head. She had to ask her bi-lingual co-worker what I wanted. I went to Target tonight and asked a woman where the Febreeze was and she looked at me like I had lost my mind then said, "No speak English." I almost lost my shit right there. AT LEAST TRY!! I mean damn. I'm sorry, but my parents had to learn English when they came here in order to get along. Why can't other people? I blame the businesses who hire these non-English speaking people. If businesses stopped hiring people until they had proof of graduation from an ESOL class, we wouldn't have these issues.
There, now that I have vented I can tell you about my lovely weekend. I attended a gorgeous wedding this weekend. A law school friend of mine got married in a beautiful ceremony at the Naval Yard. As my friend NW says, "it is nice to see black people in love." Everything was wonderful and the band was awesome. Any jazz band that plays "Gin and Juice and "Drop It Like It's Hot" is worth the money. My only regret was that the Sensation had to work :( I like having him with me at events like this. We lazed around all day today and then the Sensation went to work and I went to dance class. My friend KM has been trying to get me to go to dance with her for months and I haven't gotten around to it. I went today and it was FABULOUS! I haven't danced in about 10 years and I've missed out on a lot. It was so nice to get back into a studio and sweat and stretch and work on a move over and over and over again until you get it. I'll definitely be going back next week. Tomorrow is the big day and I am PSYCHED! More on that later.
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