So I ended up leaving my house yesterday. The Sensation and I went to Mookieam's house. I was there for the company and to watch the Law & Order Marathon. The Sensation was there to fix Mookie's computer which had been afflicted with some strange virus. It was fun. We had chinese food, chocolate covered strawberries and watched the Discovery Channel after the L&O marathon was over. While watching the Discovery Channel we talked about all kinds of random animal facts. Mookie really likes the Bongo. Which is some kind of antelope. We also talked about how hippos are really violent creatures who will kill other animals that get in their way. Polar bears are the only animals that kill for sport and chimpanzees will actually go to war with other chimpanizee colonies. Weird. Happy Monday to you all!
At 4:18 PM,
mookieam131 said…
You are a Goddess and James is a God for giving up your Sunday evening to help me out! Love you guys!
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