Okay, a little riled this morning. I'm listening to NPR and they are doing a story on the Watts riots of 1965. (Today is the 40 year anniversary of the riots). Do you know that the former police chief of the LAPD had the nerve to call the people who were rioting idiots?? Okay, now tearing up your neighborhood in response to the pressures of life is not the smartest thing to do, but in the words of Chris Rock, "I'm not saying that it's right, but I understand." First of all, we all know the LAPD's record when it comes with dealing with the community. After dating a cop for a year, I know how some of them think. You KNOW people's rights were and still are being violated every day. Second of all, I can totally understand the despondency and frustration of people who can't find jobs. I am college educated and have a freakin' JD and I can't find a job. I can't imagine what I would feel like if on top of unemployment, I was harassed by the police every other day. There are days when I feel like starting the revolution. It has been 40 years the police are still acting crazy, people are still unemployed and very little has changed. *Sigh* Maybe I'll start the revolution tomorrow.
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