A Sigh of Relief

For some of you, this notion may come as a shock. Rather than feeling successful, you feel like a failure because:
1. You didn't graduate at the top of your class 2. You didn't get an invitation to join a highly rated law firm 3. You aren't now practicing law in a prestigious firm 4. You haven't found a job within the legal profession 5. You didn't recognize the signs that you were going to be laid off 6. You aren't a super-lawyer, super-parent and super-person 7. You can't imagine practicing law for the rest of your life 8. You can't seem to get your work done, or done right 9. You don't love your work.
Don't assume because your law school classmates earned better grade, or because they now win more cases, earn more money, or look forward to their work-day while you dread yours, that you have failed. That fatalism is counterproductive. Other lawyers' success and satisfaction are only signs that they are in the right place and you're not. You are a bright accomplished person whose feelings of failure and frustration will vanish when you move to an environment more suited to your strengths and interests. - What Can You Do With a Law Degree, Deborah Arron
HOT DAMN! That describes exactly what I was feeling. Who knew that others have gone through the same type of anxiety about this job stuff. Those of you who are thinking that law is just not it for you should check out this book. I'm only on page 20, but it really makes me feel good that people know exactly how I feel.
At 11:08 PM,
Glib Gurl said…
Oh wow - at first I thought you wrote that! *lol* I just purchased that book myself. I will have to open it up sooner rather than later! Glad to know that we're not alone.
At 7:40 AM,
Sharon said…
You are a fabulous and talented woman! And the right law firm just hasn't seen you yet. Patience is not my strong suit, so I am not going to tell you to be, but you know... Good things come...
At 4:05 PM,
mookieam131 said…
Yeah, we aren't the only ones - we are just experiencing our quarter-life crisis. We will prevail, tenacity will pay off, eventually . . .
At 9:56 AM,
legis said…
You sound like you are writing about my life! So good to know I'm not alone. I think I'm going to like you.
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