I know that there are more pressing things that we need public service announcements for, like AIDS prevention, saying no to drugs and preventing genocide, but I have something that must be said. If you are a person who goes to the gym in the morning PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE brush your teeth before you go. This morning I struggled to get out of my bed and go to the gym. I was just getting over feeling salty because I was up at 5:37 am and on the treadmill when a man got on the treadmill next to me. All would have been well if he wouldn't have started huffing and puffing. With each huff and each puff my nostrils were assaulted with his HOT LIKE FIRE morning breath. It was quite off-putting. It was all I could do to finish my workout and run out of there, nose hairs singed. So, for all of you folks who like to get up early and go work out, please take the extra 2 minutes and brush your teeth. Your fellow gym buddies will thank you.
At 2:46 PM,
Glib Gurl said…
Wow - 5:30am workout? I am impressed, girlfriend! But yeah, what's up with the dragon breath???
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