I'm not dead

The Move
The move went well. We got lots of help from MD &BD who were gracious enough to help us out after coming down off of their honeymoon high. Moving is the last thing that I would want to the weekend after my honeymoon but they came through and helped out. The Sensation's cousin and sister came and helped out too and all of those people plus the movers made for a relatively smooth day. I was bone tired at the end and we didn't have a bed so we slept on the floor but it didn't matter. By that time I would have slept standing if I could have. I think next time I'll pay for professional movers. The bootleg movers from Craigslist lost a whole bunch of our casters and screws and wheels after taking apart some of our stuff and they couldn't get my couch into the apartment. Now, you KNOW how I feel about my couch. Luckily, we were able to get some different guys to come and hoist it through the balcony window. I did a whole bunch of happy dances for that.
We slowly got things put in some kind of order and then my sister came up last weekend and helped us decorate and put things in order. I love my sister dearly and she did a great job on the house, but we can't be in the same place for more than 30 hours with no escape routes. By the end of the weekend I was past ready to put her back on a plane down South. She worked my LAST nerve. Anyway, so now our house is about 95% put together and we're unpacked and everything and I must say that I love cohabitation. It is nice to come home to someone every day and wake up with someone every morning. We have had our little tiffs here and there but it is nice to know that between both of us working and him also being in school, we will still get to see each other every day. Love it!
Things are going swimmingly on my end. I just need to land a new job and my life will be the way I want it to be. Let's think good thoughts and send good vibes so I get a new job in September!
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