A Weekend of Fun

This weekend was filled with tons of fun. My weekend began on Thursday night when I went to see Billy Joel with my sister. He was fantastic! Our seats weren't as good as we thought they would be, but the show gets 2 thumbs up and 4 gold stars. My only sadness was that he didn't do "For the Longest Time." Other than that, I was satisfied.
Friday was good because my sister and I went shopping and she clued me in to the secret to shopping for great stuff, especially earrings. My sister has a way of finding stuff that you would never even look at and making it work for you. I purchased 8 pairs of earrings on Friday. Good stuff! Friday night however, was a different story. My sis the fashionista went through my closet and throw away all of the stuff that in her words, "does nothing for you." I trust her judgement because she's been personal shopping for almost a year and does a great job, but I was sad to see some of the items go. I took four big bags of clothes and shoes to charity on Saturday. At least people will benefit from my fashion mistakes. *sigh* I'm going to miss my grey cuffed pants though.
My Saturday began at 3:30 am. My sister had to be at BWI airport for her flight at 6 am, so we were in the car at 4:15. All I can say is OUCH! I get up early, but 3:30 is a bit much, even for me. I dropped her off, came back home for a hot minute, then headed to work. A friend of mine is turning 30 in May so a bunch of us are headed to Vegas, thus I have to work some OT in order to fund the trip. I was at work by 7:30 and out by 12. I like working early, don't have to deal with the crazies. SM was at work with me and then we proceeded to have Brown Girls' Day Out. Basically, BGDO is the running of all of your errands in one day. I provided the transportation, SM provided our list of things to do and good company and it was on like Donkey Kong! It commenced with a yummy lunch at Gordon Biersche and continued from there. One of our stops was David's Bridal. Let me just say that David's Bridal is of the devil and when I get married I will not frequent them at all. I am going to be a bridesmaid in a friends' wedding in August so I had to go and try on the top to our dresses. First of all, sizing for wedding apparel is FUCKED UP! The sizes run small. Very small. Like 2-4 sizes smaller than your regular size. That made me feel like they were trying to fit a hippo in a skirt. It angers the hippo and the hippo looks bad. While I was at work, I called David's to see what sizes they had before I made a trip for nothing. The fact that I was on hold for an HOUR (you can ask SM, I was angrily emailing every couple of minutes) should have told me I didn't need to set foot in that place on a Saturday afternoon. SM and I waited for over an hour before I got to try on a top that didn't fit. I was LIVID!! Luckily, SM is good at keeping folks from freaking out and she talked me out of stabbing the saleslady with a hanger. Bottom line- David's Bridal SUCKS. Anyway, after that we frequented some more places and I ended up buying $140 worth of shoes, which kind of made up for the horrible experience at David's Bridal. The rest of the evening went well. I came home, the Sensation came over and we watched TV. Fabulous day, nice night, yay Saturday!
The Sensation and I went to a birthday brunch for TQN at El Golfo Restaurant in Silver Spring. FABULOUS! Good food and nice people. It kept me full all day. We then went to Target and then the Sensation told me my hair was getting a bit long and that I should get it cut. He also told me he could do it for me. Now, my hair and eyebrows are very dear to me and I don't just let anyone near them. This was a trust issue. I trust the Sensation with a lot of things but my HAIR?? I had to think on that. I thought and thought and thought and went back in forth in my mind. "He cuts his har and that looks fine, but if he jacks up my hair I will have to kill him in his sleep." I finally decided that I was going to let him do it. I mean, it is just hair right? (I said a prayer in the bathroom and kept a mirror in front of me while he was cutting). I am happy to say that my baby WORKED MY STUFF OUT!! My hair looks fabulous. I know now that I trust the Sensation with my heart and my hair. I will never let him near my eyebrows, but he is my new hair stylist.
All in all the weekend was great, but I'm composing my angry letter to David's Bridal as we speak. Have a great week compadres!!
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