So this is the symbol that I got tattooed on my back last week. It is the Ghanaian symbol for strenth and humility. It is called "DWENNIMMEN" or in English, "ram's horns" I thought it was cool because I am an Aries girl and it signifies who I want to be if I haven't achieved that already. I love the tattoo and it looks great, but I forgot about the tatoo process. You get the tattoo and you are all hyped about it, but then it starts to heal and you know that it is going to be pretty when it is done, but it is a very un-pretty healing process. First of all, it is basically a big scab. I know, very gross. You also have to put lotion on it and make sure you keep it out of harm's way because if you do something bad to it while it is healing, you will end up ruining your tattoo. Then, there is the itching. It itches something fierce. Mine is itching right now and I have to resist the urge to take a back brush to it. Now there is the constant watching, the itching, and then it starts to flake. Talk about the nastiest thing ever! I feel like a big old lizard because my skin is peeling. I have a couple more days of this before I will feel normal again and I just wish it would hurry up. Now, to answer Glib Gurl's
question, I have 5 tattoos and you can't see any of them, except for the one on my ankle, unless I show them to you. I think I like it that way for professional reasons, plus I don't think I'm that girl who has the big tattoo right on her ta-tas in full view of the world. That's just not me.
In other news, today we set out for the B&B and I am very excited. I've rented an SUV for our driving comfort and I'm just so happy that the Sensation and I are going to have some time away. Little does he know that he is going to be called upon to put lotion on my itchy back! Have a good weekend everyone. Ciao!
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