More blogging due to network issues at work

I have returned from the B&B in Pennsylvania and it was wonderful! I had such a nice time just relaxing and not having to be up at a certain time to catch the metro at a certain time to be at work at a certain time. The Sensation and I just hung out. Lots of watching TV and cuddling and just being. No that is not a typo, sometimes I like to just be. No worries, no stress, just being. That's what this weekend was.
Now, this weekend I got to wondering why some people turn out to be frogs and some are princes. My dad is a prince. The Sensation is a prince. My crazy ex was a frog. My first love was a frog, but hopefully now has turned into a prince for someone. I want to know how people go from frogs to princes or vice versa? I mean, I know that some men never turn into princes and I want to know why? As it is there are too few princes to go around and women are fighting for frogs. NO! We shouldn't be forced to settle for any little tadpole who comes along. I want princes for everyone. I have a lot of friends who are wonderful women who deserve princes but keep getting frogs. I have one friend in particular who is wonderful. She is smart, she is classy,she is gorgeous and just a great person to be around. Last week she had a frog experience. This man wasn't even a frog, he was one of those big nasty bufo toads. I was livid for my friend because she deserves a prince. She deserves someone who will treat her the way her father treats her and the way her guy friends treat her. It made me angry that this horrible toad of a man hurt her feelings. Well ladies, I think the time is now. We need to make sure that the frogs know that we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore. We need to squish the frogs, find the princes and carry on. Maybe if we squish enough frogs they will evolve and we will have more princes. That is the message for the day, squish frogs and someday your prince will come. I believe it and you should to.
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey girl, thanks for the link! You're putting some great stuff out into the world with this blog-
Melanie Boyer
About Last Night
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