Florida, Road Trips and Hustling

I've returned. Last Wednesday I left for FL for a callback interview, to celebrate my sister's 20th birthday and to pick up my "new" car. The weekend was busy but very good. I first would like to say GO GATORS! They beat Georgetown to advance in the NCAA tournament. They are playing George Mason for a chance to play in the finals. The last time my boys were in the Final Four I was a junior in college and they lost to Michigan State. My Gators need to take a chunk out of George Mason's ass.
As I said before, I had a busy weekend. I am hustling like Nino Brown to find a job by this summer. I had a callback interview and managed to get 3 other meetings for a total of 4 meetings in two days. It was rough, but I did it. I must be giving off the interview vibe because a firm in DC contacted me about wanting to talk to me. My mom says that if I keep hustling, I'll find something so I'll keep up the Nino Brown act for a little while longer. I also hung out with SD and DS as I always do when I'm home and had great sushi. I have to give a shout out to SD for driving me the hour to see my sister's awesome apartment and to pick up my car. She will get good Karma for that. My sister had a birthday party at the house Saturday night and it was fabulous. The Sensation flew down for the party and to help me drive the car up and we had a really pleasant time. It is really comforting to see how nicely he is meshing with my family. I feel comfortable leaving him alone with my parents. I haven't felt like that in the past. We stayed up with my mom cleaning and talking and laughing and it was just great to see how good they get along. The drive up was FANTASTIC. I think that the Sensation and I are suitibly matched because we spent 12 hours in a car together and not once wanted to choke one another. I can't do that with very many people. I'm now back to reality and work but the glow of the good weekend is still with me. I feel like this is going to be a great week!
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Awesome! My email is down :-(
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