The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Last night I watched Moulon Rouge. I know, I'm kind of late, but I've been trying to watch it since it came out in theaters but each time I try I have to stop because it exhausts me. My sister claims that this movie is fabulous. Hmmph. I was impressed by Ewan McGregor's singing abilities, but if you are prone to seizures please don't watch this movie. It was total sensory overload.

It is Wednesday. I don't feel like going to work, but I'm going. I'm past ready for the move (the people upstairs were screaming and stomping around at 1 am last night) and I think that I was meant to be a fairy princess instead of living the life that I am living. I'll have to look into how I can get into the fairy princess game.


  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger mookieam131 said…

    I think that is an excellent idea; how does one become a fairy princess? I'd like to join you in that line of work.


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