I Think I Made a Mistake

This morning I saw someone studying PMBR flashcards and I started to cry. It wasn't stomach-wrenching sobs that I was worried I would break into, it was just a couple of tears that I brushed away before anyone saw (I hope) and that feeling that you get in the back of your throat when your eyes are welling up and you are trying to keep people from thinking you are crazy. I think that I have made a mistake in the profession that I chose. I don't know any attorneys who are happy doing the work that they do and I know that I'm not happy with the work that I'm doing so if I get a real job am I going to be happy? If I had guts, I mean real cajones I would just leave the law all together and do something else, but I'm not sure what I want to do. I mean, for seven years I prepared myself for the legal profession. For the past two years I've been struggling to find a job in the legal profession and now I'm crying at the sight of PMBR cards. What I really want to do is go "find" myself but I have loans and bills and responsibilities...and no cajones. I think that law school took them and I don't know what to do.
At 4:15 PM,
mookieam131 said…
OK, first off, no one should be crying at the sight of PMBR cards except the freaked out kids taking the bar for the first time. That said, you know I feel you on this issue. I just think you are being too hard on yourself thinking that it has to be all or nothing -- you are still perfectly allowed to use your law degree in an unconventional way -- which, may I remind you, is what the vast majority of lawyers end up doing, especially in DC! You do have the option to figure out the next step while you continue with your current gig, which at least ensures that you are continuing to pay the rent. Chin up, I do have faith that it will get better!
At 11:57 PM,
Glib Gurl said…
Ditto everything Mookie said! We have both had shitty weeks . . . somehow, though, we are going to figure out what we are meant to do and get crackin'!
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