The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm Still Standing

I found the perfect apartment this weekend. There was much rejoicing in the land and The Sensation and I were sooo happy. Now all I had to do was tell my Dad that I was thinking of cohabitating with a man. I had already broached the subject to my mom and she said that I was a grown-up but she would prefer that we get engaged or married first. I figured my dad would say the same kind of thing, but it was extremely awkward telling my dad, the only man I've ever lived with, that I'm going to start living with another man. The conversation was okay. My dad gave his opinion and I didn't get written out of the will, so all went well. I was really nervous but after it was over I felt better and shimmied around my apartment singing Elton John, "I'm Still Standing."

Speaking of gay married men, I just have to vent about this whole Gay Marriage Amendment that the Republicans are trying to pass in the Senate. Okay, I know that it probably isn't going anywhere, but it really burns me up. First of all, who do they think they are to dictate who can get married and who can't? I mean it isn't like the gay folks want to jump on straight people and marry them, so what is the problem? Also, it seems as though the "moral" right wingers are getting caught up in sex scandals and affairs and all kinds of things nowadays. Isn't the saying you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house? Also, with rate of divorce at 50% and rising, it doesn't seem like the straight people are doing a good job. Why not let gay people get married? Who knows, they might do a better job at it than "traditional" marriages.


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