Thank Goodness for Weekends

I'm so happy it is Saturday. This week has been one of those weeks when you are just trying to make it to the weekend. I'm so elated I have a whole day to do things I want to do for a change. I slept in, called my mom for our weekly Saturday morning convo and now I'm just kind of mooning about. I came to some great realizations this week.
1. I have a great circle of friends.
2. I have a wonderful man who I truly love (although there are some days I want to shake him)
3. I like my job even though the seniors are demanding and can give a girl a headache
4. Things are not always as bad as they seem.
Today is day 25 without chocolate and I would give my right arm for some. I haven't cheated and I'm currently "hiding" my girl scout cookies in the trunk of my car. If they are in the house, they are too tempting. Other than that, nothing much is going on, just work. I am going to a sleep study tonight to make sure I don't have sleep apnea and I'm trying to figure out what pj's to wear. The sleep center said I should be comfortable, but if I do that I will wear my orange sweatpants. I love my sweatpants with all of my heart, but both my mom and The Sensation have told me that I should be ashamed of them and should never wear them outside of my house. Do I stay true to comfort and wear the pants or do I avoid shaming my family and my man and wear something else? Oh well, before the great pj debate I'm going to get some breakfast.
Happy St. Patrick's Day for all of my Irish folks out there!
At 10:57 AM,
cornyrex said…
Hi! Cool blog...
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