The Ramblings of Nana

The rambling, raving and ranting of me. Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a friend, a rolldog, a revolutionary, a peacemaker, a new attorney, an overachiever, a slacker and a lover of shoes. I am all of these things and more. I guess you could say that the blog is just about all of my experiences in life, love and the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween: What is really going on?

First let me say that it doesn't really feel like Halloween. I didn't go out in costume, there are no kids running around the neighborhood and I'm not gorging myself on candy. Wait, I just had some kids come to the door so scratch the second point. I hope more kids come, we need to get this candy out of our apartment. In true Halloween fashion weird things are happening. The ex from Ex-Factor called me. It has been about 4 years since I talked to that man, why is he coming out of the woodwork now? He claimed he dialed the wrong number and was trying to get in touch with his grandma because he had just had surgery on a tumor in his throat, but why is my number still in his phone?? I don't get it. My mom finds it crazy, the Sensation thought it was pathetic and I'm just at a loss...maybe he was on heavy drugs after the surgery because he knows I want no dealings with him. Oh well, I'll chalk it up to Halloween madness. Happy Halloween and be safe!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Free at last, free at last

My last day at work was Friday. I have two days of freedom before I start the new job and I am PSYCHED. There are going to be two days of job hunting (yeah, I need to get a second gig), watching Desperate Housewives, and getting myself ready to start being a "real" attorney. Kind of scary isn't it?

Thursday, October 26, 2006


My mom saw one of my exes last week. She sees him around town every so often and will always tell me about it. I think she takes pleasure in the fact that he asks about me. I actually take pleasure in it too, I find it funny that he wants to know how I am. I mean if he would have treated me the way I was supposed to be treated he would know how I am, because we would still be together or at least be friends. The thing that I find interesting is that I no longer have any kind of feelings of animosity toward him. For a long time I wanted him to feel the kind of pain that he had inflicted on me. This was the man I thought I was going to marry and when he tossed me aside I went through the motions for real. I spent the better part of a year as an emotional wreck. I have never cried so much or felt so low as I did when he and I broke up. I have never felt a break-up as deeply or as badly as I felt that one. I guess all of my "break up" energy was spent on that one experience. I thought my world was ending and I wanted revenge. I wanted someone to break his heart and stomp on it. When I was talking to my mom last night I realized that I didn't have any of those feelings. I felt kind of bad for him and that was the extent of my feelings. I guess time heals all things. Well, time and the fact that I now have a fabulous man, I'm starting a new job and things are generally going well. Maybe it's not a feeling of forgiveness, but a feeling of contentment with my life that makes all other feelings pale in comparison? Maybe I have gotten my revenge in that I am happy? I don't know, but what ever it is it feels good.

Friday, October 20, 2006


I'm trying to be a better listener. I've realized that ever since law school, I have gotten bad about listening. I like to hear other people talk, but I tend to interrupt and cut in with comments of my own. It isn't cute or polite. I'm working on it. I want to catch it before I turn into one of those people who won't let her friends finish a full sentence. I don't want to be that girl.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Project Runway

*Meh* Very disappointed. I loved all of the designers that went to Fashion Week. I thought Michael had a good chance but he didn't bring it. Uli, Laura and Jeffrey did fabulously but I wouldn't have picked Jeffrey's collection. I would have gone with Uli for sure. Kind of anti-climactic for me.

Wednesday Musings

1. Will I ever be as fly as my mom? I hope so, because my mom is FLY!
2. Why did the woman on the metro choose that brand of perfume? It smells like hot trash.
3. How does one become a notary?
4. If I did the cabbage patch right now would anyone notice?
5. The Sensation says my goat from the post on Monday looks high. Does he? I hope not, I don't want anyone thinking that I support drug use in goats.
6. That took all of 5 minutes. What am I going to do with the other 7 hours and 25 minutes of my work day???

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mellowcreme Pumpkins

Every year around this time I get excited. Why? Because this is the only time of the year when my mellowcreme pumpkins are sold. I LOVE these pumpkins. I don't know why but they just make me happy. I will scour the Targets, Walmarts and CVS's of NOVA to find a bag of said pumpkins. I don't want candy corn and I don't want the Harvest Mix (candy corn and pumpkins), I want a bag full of nothing but pumpkins. Now, in years past I would eat them until my tongue felt scratchy and my teeth hurt, but I'm learning. I'm trying to adhere to a Weight Watchers portion. I can have 6-9 pumpkins (depending on the brand) for 3 points. This makes the bag last a lot longer and I don't feel like vomiting. The Sensation likes the pumpkins too, but not like I do. I'm considering going out in the nasty cold rainy weather to see if CVS has any more. The season is almost over and I have to get my fix.

UPDATE: I found them at CVS! I bought 5 bags.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Something Good

I love this picture. This picture pretty much sums up how I feel today. I couldn't talk about it before because I hadn't given my notice but I did that this morning and now I can tell you all that I got a new job! After two years of bitterness and sadness, I accepted a job doing elder law. I start November 1st. There is much rejoicing in the land and I can't wipe the grin off my face!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Speak English and Dance

Okay, I have had a great weekend except for one glaring thing. I'm going to start with that first. Why don't people speak English anymore?!!!??? Now, I know that English is not an easy language to learn and some people choose to live in little enclaves where they never have to learn it and I'm okay with that. As the child of immigrants and the girlfriend of one, I know that it is sometimes easier to just speak your native tongue. BUT (and this a a HUGE but) if you are going to get a job where you are going to work in the PUBLIC SECTOR I'm going to need you to take an ESOL class. I went to a fast food restaurant yesterday and the woman didn't speak English. I asked her for no pickles on my sandwich and she looked at me like I had sprouted another head. She had to ask her bi-lingual co-worker what I wanted. I went to Target tonight and asked a woman where the Febreeze was and she looked at me like I had lost my mind then said, "No speak English." I almost lost my shit right there. AT LEAST TRY!! I mean damn. I'm sorry, but my parents had to learn English when they came here in order to get along. Why can't other people? I blame the businesses who hire these non-English speaking people. If businesses stopped hiring people until they had proof of graduation from an ESOL class, we wouldn't have these issues.

There, now that I have vented I can tell you about my lovely weekend. I attended a gorgeous wedding this weekend. A law school friend of mine got married in a beautiful ceremony at the Naval Yard. As my friend NW says, "it is nice to see black people in love." Everything was wonderful and the band was awesome. Any jazz band that plays "Gin and Juice and "Drop It Like It's Hot" is worth the money. My only regret was that the Sensation had to work :( I like having him with me at events like this. We lazed around all day today and then the Sensation went to work and I went to dance class. My friend KM has been trying to get me to go to dance with her for months and I haven't gotten around to it. I went today and it was FABULOUS! I haven't danced in about 10 years and I've missed out on a lot. It was so nice to get back into a studio and sweat and stretch and work on a move over and over and over again until you get it. I'll definitely be going back next week. Tomorrow is the big day and I am PSYCHED! More on that later.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Because my sister said I had too much black in my wardrobe, I bought an orange sweater. I'm wearing it today and I look like a very sassy pumpkin.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Last night I went to see India.Arie in concert and she was AWESOME! I think that this was my favorite concert of the year. She was fabulous, real, beautiful and just looked like she was having such a good time performing. It was the perfect end to a perfect day. Something good happened yesterday.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sunday Morning Rain is Falling...

Well, not really. I'm actually in FL at my parents' house right now and it is sunny and about 75 degrees. I came home to throw a surprise party for my mom and it went FABULOUSLY! All of the covert phone calls, probing emails and last minute running around (I burned through a tank of gas in 3 hours yesterday) were totally worth the look on my mom's face when my dad brought her to the party and my sister and I popped up with 22 of her closest friends and yelled "SUPRISE." Mission Accomplished. Things are going well and I can't shake this feeling that something good is going to happen soon. Don't know why don't know where but something good is coming.